Strident Springs Home

Smaller homes typically have ample furnishing slots, but bigger homes do not and the largest homes are definitely lacking.

Daggerfall Home

Even here in Daggerfall, one of the biggest originally released, 700 slots is not enough.

The Achor!

PVP in Cyrodil needs to serious rethinking.

100 KUTA in inventory

Bank, bag and chest storage needs some serious help to make it useful

Mounted Kajhit

Mounts need some rework around making speeds consistent and making upgrades account wide.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Living in the Era of Robots

It's as if the gaming companies don't care anymore; hey, Microsoft and Zenimax, I am talking about you! The bots are running rampant, as the in-game-video I shot back in Aug shows... only now it is even worse than it was when this video was shot, two months ago.

Since I published Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online: Home of the Scammers, Cheaters and Bot Farmers, back in July, in which I outlined the problems of bots in great detail, prices for a large number of the raw materials farmable in Tamriel have seen a sharp decline. Kutas, Tempers, Ore, Ancestor Silk and even alchemy reagents like Bugloss have plummeted in the last two months.

Yet when I made the post and share it with the community, the community lashed out at me, called me a whiny bitch (as well as other, even less appropriate, names). Yet the things I outlined as long term problems with the Bot Farmer advancement (bots becoming mobile, farming other nodes once considered harder to come by, becoming combat ready, and even expanding their farming areas, saturation of the market, prices falling, etc.) are now starting to ruin the game for everyone, as I predicted.

I love this game. It is one of the rare games that I have actually played for such a long period of time, so consistently and even sunk some money into it without balking about microtransactions. But let's be honest... the game isn't really flush with fresh, new content for those of us who have been playing since the week the game dropped.

To make my point, consider that the Summerset chapter took only about two weeks to play through. New dungeon releases are done the day they drop, and the upcoming Mirkmire DLC will likely only take about a week to complete (it's so, so very small). Even PVP in Cyrodiil is repetitive, take a keep/lose a keep, take a farm, mine, mill/lose a farm, mine, mill...

If this game isn't repetitive, I don't know what is. And they way they combat this lack of new content is to make some achievements in the game repetitive. Take the Summerset Dailies; you have to do the Summerset Delve Dailies 20 times to get the achievement so you can buy a stupid waterfall housing item. So what are they doing to "extend the gameplay"? More repetition.

Making any given task be something that you need to do many times over a long period of time doesn't make it interesting, it just makes it boring.

So really, for a Tamriel Veteran, like myself, and the many other Tamriel Veterans, all with just about every possible class/race combination we can fill our max number of character slots up with, we habe two options; one play repetitive end game content until the new content is finally released. Or we can farm resource nodes to make gold in the game. Gold that is needed to spend on the really expensive stuff that is constantly being released in the game. These are our two options for filling the long periods of time between DLC, chapters and dungeon dropping.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... events... they give us events. Those seasonal events are just more repetition. How many plunder skulls does one need? How many times does it take to breathe fire before the novelty wears off? How many Hollowjack motifs does the average denizen of Tamriel need to feel complete?

Zenimax has proven time and again that they are not interested in protecting the community from toxic elements in their world. If it doesn't hurt them in the only place they really care, their financial bottom line, then they are not going to fix anything. They are actively trying to ignore the problem we face every day, not showing an iota of care for the community; something I call Active Ignorance.

And yet I'm the one still being laughed at by the community for not appreciating being treated so poorly by a company I have financially contributed to over the last three-plus years.

So before I put the controller down and walk away from Tamriel forever, I am calling on the community as a whole, no matter how unlikely it is to happen, to take action in two parts:

Part One: The Social Media Campaign:

It's time to let both Zenimax and Microsoft know that we want them to correct the problems with BOTs once and for all. Automation belongs in Clockwork City... and nowhere else in Tamriel. Reach out to both Xbox Support and Zenimax through you social media connections; use TESOnline and XboxSupport to post your disdain for BOTs in the game and hashtag your post with #EndBotsNow  #EBN  #TESO  and #ESONOBO (for Elder Scrolls Online November Black Out; detailed below).

Part Two: The Elder Scrolls November Blackout

This part of the action is to perform a month long blackout in Tamriel for the entire month of November. What does this blackout mean? It means the following;
  • No purchases of crowns
  • No purchases of items from the crown store (houses, costumes)
  • No purchasing from the luxury furnisher and golden every weekend
  • No purchasing bag and bank space
  • No purchases or renewals of ESO Plus subscriptions
  • No purchases of items from other players
  • No purchases of items from guild stores
  • No listing of items to sell in guild stores
  • No grabbing Zenimax's piddly daily login bonuses; how many poisons, foods and potions does any one character really need?
Basically, if we can show that enough of us are done with their active ignorance regarding the BOT problem in Tamriel, then maybe, just maybe, either Microsoft or Zenimax will take action against the 
BOTs in Tamriel. Or maybe they won't. But we won't know if we don't try.

But then... Maybe... Just maybe.

But then again, maybe I will just garner more ridicule from the community I am quickly falling out of love with.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Homes of Tamriel: ESO Housing Issues

Housing was one of the most anticipated features of The Elder Scrolls Online for me and many of my friends in the game. It opened the door to a level of depth for many of us in the game. A feature that would allow us to embrace our inner decorator, a place where we could be creative and expressive, and display our achievements in the game. 

And for the most part, housing has not been a let down. We were allowed to own multiple houses and new houses have been getting released over time. But as awesome as housing has been, housing hasn't been without it's issues (more on those below) and I am going to talk a little bit about the issues and limitations of ESO Housing. 

Furnishing Limits

This is been an on again, off again debate. Some houses have more than enough available slots to design some really cool things, but for many houses, even after a larger house is filled up (700/700 slots used) the place looks and feels vacant. 

A recent addition to this vacuous homes list is the Princely Dawnlight Palace. To say this house is huge is a gross understatement. The courtyard is one of the biggest in the game, with two different water features, a wall that is accessible and multiple steps to the main house and landings. The courtyard also features a set of stairs that lead down to the water and beach which could house an incredibly detailed dock.

And then we can enter the palace's main structure. With the highest count of rooms of just about any house out there and a main hall that is just about as big as the entire Serenity Falls Estate there is so much room for creativity that the mind can blow an o-ring just thinking about it.

But then reality kicks in... You have all this space, space that is ripe for creatives minds to design and build in, and you get 700 furniture slots. Only 700 slots for both inside and outside, and that's only if you are an ESO Plus subscriber, without ESO Plus you are stuck with only 350 slots. 

700 slots could be used with just decorating the outside, easily, and still have room for more. And then while the outside is decorated to the nines, the inside is bare bones.

This is not unique to the Princely Dawnlight Palace; 
  • Daggerfall Overlook with its secret door to a water area with a huge area that can be accessed, save for the slaughterfish; 
  • Mathiisen Manor with its large courtyard and a reflecting pool, 
  • Hundings Palatial Hall with its 360 degree courtyard, stables, lighthouse, roof access, and vast beach.
  • Grand Topal Hideaway; a private island that is absolutely massive, the most massive in the game
  • Hakkvild's High Hall with a massive courtyard, underground tunnel and a large multi-level house.
  • Earthtear Cavern - One Big Giant Cave Dwelling
  • Several other homes also have huge outdoor areas, like the Strident Springs house or the Cold Harbor house; the later of the two doesn't even include a structure for the 1,000,000g price tag. 
These places are ripe for decorating, but can never reach their full creative potential because of particularly low limits placed on their available furniture slots combined with their massive space availability.

Hey Zenimax, how about looking at increasing these limits. For the larger houses, you know the ones with the huge courtyards and large house structures, how about treating the outside and inside as its own loading zone, so the outside of these places could have 600 slots and the insides could have 600 slots? I know one limit of the housing is that too many items, especially large items, can take a long time to render and load. Sometimes, loading into my haunted house or my Ebonheart Manor can take a good 10 to 15 seconds to load in when it's at max capacity (700/700 slots). But treating each zone, interior and exterior, as it's own load zone could make the loading less problematic while still allowing more overall slots for the house. Just an idea.

Stolen Items

One of the biggest requests I hear from people, second only more furniture slots, is why the hell can't we place stolen furniture items in our homes? How are we supposed to have a true thieves den if we have launder our stolen furniture items before we can place them? 

Furthermore, outside of the fact that some of the items we steal, like Wooden Toys and Hair Creme, don't actually have a rendered object in the game (a tangible 3d model that can be displayed), why can't we use the other stuff we steal as decorating items; armor, weapons, etc, you know, stuff that does have a rendered object in the game.

Armor Stands

This has been requested for so long. We want to display our armor. We can make wonderful pieces of details armor, and stylize these pieces to the Nth degree, but we are not allowed to display them. 

One idea that has been floated in the community is Armor Stands, so that we can display our armor like the heavy armored Knights in British castles. The community would love this and it would add such a wonderful decorative design component, especially to large castle-like homes; Daggerfall Overlook, Earthtear, etc. 

Can you make this happen Zenimax?


This one is about to be fixed, but still needs to be addressed. When someone comes in and turns off all your lights, there is no master switch for the home owner to turn on all lights again. Sure you are finally giving us the Limited Visitors permission, a year and half after housing dropped, but some people, that are friends, are still pranksters, and if you have over 100 lights in your house finding them all can be a huge challenge. GIVE US OUR MASTER SWITCH ZENIMAX!

Decorating with light is a huge part of many designs in homes. Could you imagine turning off all your lights with one switch, having a bunch of people enter your home and once everything has loaded for them you can switch the lights back on for the big reveal? This is key, especially for lights you bury as part of your design. It'd be like Christmas Vacation when Clark finally gets the lights to work... that ah-ha moment. 


Multiple Houses: 

Zenimax was kind enough to allow us to own multiple houses throughout Tamriel, but, we can't visit all of the houses owned by our friends, except for their primary residence, without them being at the specific house to travel to. 

Why can't we have a primary, secondary, etc., or just have a visit primary residence followed by visit other residence option that we can then choose from a list to visit any of their houses? Many times I have been asked by someone to let them see one of my many themed homes; my wedding house, my Christmas house, my Halloween house, etc., but I am in a dungeon or in Cyrodiil and none of these are my primary home. This leaves the person asking to see my home waiting for me to be available to show it to them. Allowing anyone to see any home I own without me having to be there for a fast travel hitch would be outstanding. 

Zenimax has done some good things with housing like adding storage chests, but there is some refinement needed. We spend a lot of time and gold buying, building and decorating our homes in Tamriel. We need to have the options for decorating and availability of the homes to be accessible. 

Zenimax, please address this.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dueling in ESO: The Violent Nature of Tamriel and The Unintended and Unresolved Consequences

In concept, I understand the need for dueling. Dueling is the only way to truly test one's build for PVP before taking it into combat. Sure the DPS test dummies are nice for posting DPS numbers, but the fact remains, those numbers only represent PVE/DPS values. And, since dummies don't fight back, you can test a tank or healer builds.

So from that point of view, the introduction of dueling to The Elder Scrolls Online allowed the broader test of all classes and PVP builds; but, it came at a price; a price that everyone in Tamriel has been paying since the One Tamriel patch dropped. Essentially, what dueling did was bring PVP out of Cyrodiil and into all Tamriel. 

When dueling was released as a part of the One Tamriel patch back in the fall of 2016 it introduced some major issues to the play-ability of the game. The first major issue is that anyone could duel anybody else, anywhere, at anytime and multiple duels could be happening simultaneously at the exact same location. For whatever reason, probably ease of access to easy targets, people chose to duel at way shrines, in major towns, inside and around the Undaunted Enclaves and other locations that required people to travel to for turning in quests, sell/deconstruct their hard earned gear or just pop over to town to rest from their exhausting adventuring.

By allowing dueling in and around major hubs of activity non-dueling players get hit with "Unusually Long Load Times", which is actually not so unusual these days. Quest and pledge givers can take a literal minute or two to load in and not be a black silhouette. Game crashes and locks are still rampant and some major cities, <cough> Elden Root <cough>, and these same cities are so laggy and crash-prone, that they are not the hub they were before One Tamriel.

Dueling also opened the game to bullies. High level characters played by small penis'd people who need to make others feel small to feel good about themselves, picking on new characters (who don't know any better) using the dueling feature as their weapon of choice for their bullying tactics. This is such a problem that Zenimax had to include an auto-decline all duels option for players just trying to quest.

The problems introduced with Dueling are so easy to fix, but Zenimax has not listened to our cries to make it stop. Instead they push forward like they can't hear our tears of frustration falling like Niagara. But let me put on my "Mr. Fix It Hat" and offer some viable suggestions to solve our never-ending saga of dueling woes.

First and foremost, make Dueling an illegal activity, like it is and was (for the most part) in the real world. If a any NPC witnesses a duel, each party responsible will get 2000g bounty and an invincible guard will appear and attack the duelers. This would definitely push dueling outside of towns and into remote locations which would limit the impact on the rest of the players in the game.

Second, see that image above, of what looks like a dueling arena? Yeah, build one of those in each of the lands of Tamriel; a place, an arena if you will, specifically for dueling to take place, legally. Make it open for everyone to go watch if they want to. Make it so the "Invite Duel" option is only available in these locations. Just keep it away from major cities. Zenimax gave us a similar feature in Summerset with the "Colosseum of the Old Ways", and even gave us an achievement for dueling there. Give us these types of locations across all of Tamriel and the unintended consequences of dueling, mentioned above, will go away.

Third, with the introduction of Battlegrounds, why is dueling still needed? Why can't there be 1v1 Battleground Map, that looks like the arena mentioned above, and that when two people agree to duel, are they are loaded into?

Again, I see the value of dueling, but I think it can be done in a way that it minimizes the impact on the rest of us denizens of Tamriel. That's my two cents, which when inflation is factored in, isn't worth a whole lot, but I feel better getting it out.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online: Home of the Scammers, Cheaters and Bot Farmers

Most online games have problems with scammers, cheaters and automated (scripted) bot farmers and The Elder Scrolls Online is no different. But, one of the main differences is that according Zenimax, some of this activity is not actually against their Terms of Service (ToS). 

One of the most valuable things a player can acquire in the game, second only to experience points, is gold. Gold equals wealth and wealth can get you just about anything in this game. As of the Summerset release, ESO wealth can even buy you items from Crown Store for about 100g per crown.

That's right, now the mostly aesthetic items (mounts, pets, costumes, etc.) that you would have had to pay real cash in the form of crown exchanges, can be purchased with gold. Gold that you can honestly acquired in the game or gold which can be purchased from nefarious sites that run bot farms to harvest and sell resources to get gold to sell for real world cash. I wouldn't recommend the second source of gold, as that can lead to a ban, described below.

And Zenimax does nothing to stop this, because selling gold for cash, nor bot farming is not in violation the ToS. But, do you know what does violate the ToS? If you go buy gold from one of these websites, or directly buy resources from a Bot Farmer, this is considered a violation of the ToS and can lead to your account being banned, known as ZOS dropping the Ban Hammer; something they are infamous for.

Let me explain bot farmers to you in case you don't get the concept.

A person creates multiple Xbox accounts, a relatively simple task.

This person then creates multiple TESO accounts using their Xbox accounts.

This person then uses an official Xbox emulator for Windows, from Microsoft (yes Microsoft actually released an unlicensed tool to the public that allows for this exploit to happen), to run multiple instances of the game on one computer, say ten or twenty instances (whatever the PC is able to handle) in small windows.

This person then trains their bots to run nodes in a given area, or sets them up to farm a known location (Bear Farm, Tiger Farm, Dolmens (for XP), etc.) The farmer sets their bots up to run individually for resource nodes in different instances, or as a group for various animal farms as running animals farms as a group gets a  higher hide drop rate.

The sell their items for gold, then sell the gold for real money through their websites.

So that is how the bot farmers work; basically speaking.

How big is the problem? Well, the problem and its impact are both huge.

Bot Farmers are the reason Hide Scraps and Dreugh Wax are up to the 50% cheaper than their black smith and woodworking counterparts. And this really, from a basic economics perspective, should not be the case. Woodworking materials have a very limited use; make bows, shields or staves. The most any one character would need of these would be two items (two bows, two staves, two shields), one for each the front and back bars while the clothing materials (cloth and leathers) can be used to make chests, head, shoulders, hands, legs, and feet.

This means that for each character, there is a 3 to 1 ratio between what the demand for clothing and woodworking materials should be. Looking at this, again from an economics point of view clothing materials, like leathers, should be 3 times higher in price than woodworking.

And guess what; Ancestor Silk is nearly 2x much more expensive over woodworking and yet hide scraps are not. See, until recently bot farmers had not figured out how to farm resource nodes so they weren't flooding the ESO marketplace with Ancestor silk, which is why it remains between 18k and 22k a stack. But they have been farming bears, tigers, wolves and other animal farms for years. Which is why Leather materials are nearly half the price of their cloth counterparts. And while bot farmers had not figured out how to farm resource nodes in the past, they have now, in just the last few months, so the market place is about to change, drastically over time; and, you may already be seeing that change.

For the past three months, bot farmers have been figuring out how and where to farm resource nodes and they have fine tuned this ability. As a result, they are beginning to devalue the entire marketplace. Ore, Wood, Runestones and even clothing materials are beginning to drop in value, some of them rapidly; Bugloss, once the creme of the crop in the market place, 300g to 400g each, is now down to 200g each and falling right along with other alchemy materials.

I wish fixing this issue was as easy as everyone stopping their buying from Bot Farmers, but Bot Farmers are everywhere. They are online, they are wandering advertising insanely low prices in the different realms, they are even in guild stores; yes, guild stores.

And I'm not talking about one off guilds that are out in the middle of Nowhere, Tamriel. No, I am talking about guild stores in Daggerfall, Wayrest, Mournhold, Craiglorn and yes, even in Elden Root. I have seen these bot farmer's account myself, first hand, in some of the biggest and best known guild traders.

The thing is, guild traders aren't motivated to boot the bots either. They have received assurances from ZOS that they won't be punished for providing bots a channel to sell in and the bots, with their sales, bring money to the guild bank via the house cuts and dues. But the guild traders who allow bots in their guilds are hurting their members and the community as a whole. That needs to sink in to the minds of the Guild Owners across Tamriel. Your acceptance of bots into your guilds is hurting the game, the community and your members. Please consider that.

And while Zenimax couldn't give two spits about this, this BOT activity is against Microsoft's ToS and while reporting it to Zenimax won't produce any results, I have seen evidence that reporting it to Microsoft will. I was watching a certain, very unique bot farmer, who ran around with Kallopi's Essence on, making the bot wearing it nearly invisible. I followed this bot for a short while across multiple days, and watched the patterns of a resource bot (mentioned below). I reported the bot to Microsoft and the very next day the bot was not there. And the bot has not been back to my farm location since. I have been successful reporting these bots to Microsoft with multiple bots in the location with the same outcome... a day later I never see that particular bot again.

Here is what to look for with BOTS before reporting every Tom, Dick and Jane in the game.

  1. Most bots will have simple names; XVNIIW. And groups of bots, like the animal farm bot-clusters, will have similar names within the cluster; XVNIIW, XVNIIX, XVNIIZ.
  2. Resource bots will look very similar; they will be within the 4-7 level range character wearing prisoners garb. This is 90% of the time, as I have found a few bots that were slightly higher levels, or slightly differently dressed, or in the case of one them, invisible.
  3. Animal bots will all look the same, Lightning Form, flame staff and in large numbers (ten or more) all casting the same skills, having the same pets up, and in some cases all moving in the same directions at the same time.
  4. Resource bots will farm in areas with low NPC enemy counts and high resource node counts; think beginner areas. 
  5. Animal bots will be where there is a large quantity of animals (bears, tigers, durzogs, etc.) that re-spawn rapidly.
  6. Resource bots important detail; the resource bots are running off a script, so that means they will run to a specific location a resource is known to be at, even if it isn't there, in an attempt to farm said node. Follow them for a minute and you will definitely see this pattern and so can Microsoft if you report them.
  7. When you see this pattern bring up the radial dial, like you are going to trade with or report them to Zenimax, and instead look at their gamer card, like you are going to friend them. This will show you an abbreviated Xbox Profile... and look at their G Score. The G score represents their achievements and a score of zero means that they have never gotten a single achievement, in any game, ever. And G Score of 5 means they got the only achievement of getting out of the first area. Combine that information with the fact that they know where every resource node in the game is, even when it's not available, and this pattern screams BOT.
  8. From this same screen, the gamer card, you can report them Microsoft, put a comment in the report, Bot Farmer, and submit.
Again, Zenimax won't do anything about this. You have to report them to Microsoft. It takes a few seconds to do this, but if we all address this, as a community, when we see them, we can begin policing the lawless land Zenimax abandoned long ago.

Scams are everywhere and yes they are here in Tamriel as well. Nobody likes to be ripped off so here is my advise to prevent and address scams and scammers.

Before you trade anything with anyone in the game; get an agreement between you and the other player via in game TEXT chat; "this item for this much gold, do you agree?" and wait for their response in text chat. Not voice chat, not a message via Xbox Live, but in game TEXT chat, via direct chat message to the person, a whisper. Think of the in game text chat as a written contract. If you do get scammed, Zenimax can use the text chat to confirm your side of the story and refund your gold or gear that you were scammed out of; they cannot do that via voice chat nor Xbox Live messages.

If you get scammed, do not give them a piece of your mind. Ask them to fix the situation and if they refuse, or as is usually the case, they just ignore you, go directly to report the incident to Zenimax. Capture a screenshot of the agreement you made in text chat with the person. If you have the agreement captured in the in game text chat, you will get your stuff back. Telling someone off, especially using swear words, racist statements an threats will likely mean Zenimax will punish you, instead of the other way around. Keep calm, cool and collected. This is the one area where Zenimax will actually resolve the issue.

This is especially true when dealing with paying gold for some to gift you a crown store item.

Here are some things you consider guidelines, thing I do, to protect yourself from being scammed in the first place.
  1. Buy from/sell through guild traders whenever you can.
  2. If the offer sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
  3. Always use the C.O.D. mail system, send the item to the person with a request for gold in the same message.
  4. Always check the attachments to all C.O.D.s you receive before you take the attachments, if they did not send you the item agreed upon, return the mail to sender.
  5. Always verify the items they are posting in a trade screen; make sure it the right name, the right color, the right level.
  6. Always count to five before you confirm a trade. Some scammers will use a quick switch trick, switching out the item just before you confirm.

Cheats in ESO come in many different flavors, but for the most part are simply players exploiting poor design by the developers. My only advise is:


Doing so will result in the ban hammer falling on you. If you find a flaw in the game, stop exploiting it and report it to Zenimax immediately.

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Elder Scrolls Online: The Daunting Task of Shopping Guild Stores

One of my biggest personal issues with the overall user experience in the game is not being able to search stuff in guild traders, you know, recipes, set armor items and motifs etc. I know that crashes, glitches and other problems with the games have a much more significant impact to the gaming experience in Tamriel, but not having an ability to search for specific things I need by just typing in Ring of the Red Mountain instead of having to scroll through 16 pages of rings would be a huge improvement to the user experience in the game.

This is especially if you are looking for a Silken Ring Swords Motif... just filtering for Purple in motifs still leaves you with 10+ pages to look through, only to find that the guild trader doesn't have it. The incredibly long list of items in a guild store, pages and pages and pages of things you have scroll through to find what you are looking for is a daunting task; one I generally hate undertaking.

Hence my use of of the above gif... the complete overwhelming nature of of finding anything specific in a guild store is far too daunting of a task.

Let's be honest, we can search the crown store through the housing interface's purchase tab to find a chair, not just any chair, but an Breton Pew, Windowed and we don't have to scroll through all the chairs across all the different types of furnishing (praxis, plans, blueprints nor Dining, Parlor, etc.) but after three years we still can't search the guild traders? I mean housing is only a year and half old, guild traders came into existence a short time after the game launched.

I realize that Zenimax makes money, as in REAL COLD HARD CASH, off people buying crowns and using those crowns to purchase furnishings (and other crown store items), but seriously, can't Zenimax just copy and paste the search code from the Crown Store Furnishing interface and apply it to the guild trader interface?

Is it really that hard?

Wait... I just realized what I asked and how what I asked relates to who I asked it of.

Of course it is hard for Zenimax.

First; they don't have any incentive to develop it. They get gold in the form of tax with each sale in a guild store, but gold really means nothing to them since, unless you are bot farmer, has no real world monetary value.

Second; they have proven time and again that whatever they touch breaks everything else in the game. So if they were to develop this search capability in guild stores, it would likely make it so anyone who did damage in PVP would produce a message that the player is sending too many messages, kick them out of the game and crash them to the home screen, remove all player's character's an ability to weapon swap, change the stats of training gear to proc a 100% chance of 1000% weapon damage for any damage is delivered and give us all 17 minutes of "Unusually Long Load Time" screens with every 18th step a character takes.

Third; Zenimax has made it their mission since before Summerset to not make anything easy.

I want to talk about that last point a little bit more because it is an important point. See, Zenimax reads peoples comments regarding the game being boring and not enough new content to keep us busy between releases; this is about player engagement. But rather than work to deliver more value added content, deeper content, what they choose to do it read those player's comments and see them as things were too easy. And while some things remain easy in the game; grinding levels = easy, leveling alchemy/provisioning = easy, etc., but they their idea of more content is to make it harder to complete many basic things in the game.

Let's look at some examples. First, jewelry crafting research. They have made the jewelry crafting line without a skill bonus in Lapidary for increasing the number of items you can research at one time. This means you can only research one necklace or ring at a time, not a ring and a necklace at the same time, like you can Metallurgy Skill in the blacksmith skill line.

But with only 18 traits to research in Jewelry it's not that bad right?

It could take you four months to research all the traits in Jewelry without purchasing reduction scrolls from the crown store, or having an Orc as your master craftsman or having ESO plus with it's bonuses.

This isn't adding more content, or making it harder, it's just adding time to an already arduous time-consuming task; and this get more frustrating for those of us who were already Master Crafters before Summerset dropped.

Now let's look at another example; quests. Zenimax's idea of more content is making quests that require you to travel from one place to another and back and forth doing nothing but talking and conveying messages between two or more NPCs. The game was already a joke due to the lazy nature of NPCs in this game and this back and forth adding load times in a patch that was plagued with broken load screen. A problem we initially experienced in Morrowind.


NPC Farmer: "Run over there and talk to my pig, he'll tell you."

NPC Pig: "Yup, the farmer is right. Now go the bar back in town and talk to the drunk at the table."

NPC Drunk: "Yup, I agree. Now tell that farmer I agreed."

NPC Farmer: "See, I told you. And here is 100g, 3k experience and a green ancestor silk hat."


They took this to an extreme with Summerset. The quests to max out the Psijic skill line, the "A Book and its Cover" quest/no-a-quest/achievement and bouncing and loading to and from the same locations repeatedly. The achievements and housing items that come with the achievements that require player to enter the same three delves and destroy the "new dolmens" called Geysers, over and over and over again for 30 days to get it done.

This are not what players meant by more content. This is not the depth users were asking for. These are mundane, and frankly, boring filler and fluff. The same boring filler that players complained about with Morrowind and even more so with Clockwork City. Repetitive, rinse and repeat game fodder.

Don't get me wrong, the main story line of each of the above mentioned releases was fantastic. Good story telling. Epic adventuring. It was all the shallow side quests. Each release failed to match the quality of the side quests of the base game, not that all side quests of the base game are gold... they aren't, but there are some that were much more fulfilling than others.

Within a couple of days most of the people I gamed with had completed the main story, roughly 8 to 16 hours of game play. Within a week, most everyone I game with had the Psijic skill-line maxed out. Within two weeks, everyone had their Jewelry crafting to 50. Within a month everyone has their Summerset dailies and achievements done. Everyone seriously looking to complete their motifs has done so. After a month, of game play the only thing remaining with Summerset is researching Jewelry traits.. and the game is as boring as it was the day before Summerset dropped.

Okay, I have to admit that wasn't a fair statement. The game wasn't as boring as the day before Summerset dropped.

It is more boring than the day before Summerset dropped, because the day before Summerset dropped, we were excited for Summerset and we don't have that now. We get to deal with bugs, crashes, bot farmers and an extended free play period because the game we paid for, a game that many of us continue to pay for (with Chapters we plaid for now becoming DLC, ESO Plus and Crown Store purchases) is free for anyone with a Gamepass subscription through Xbox.

Now that's some bullshit. 

No, you see, Zenimax doesn't want to make any part of the game more usable, convenient or, dare I say, easy. They don't want that because if it takes an hour and half to find a Minotaur Chest motif, well in Zenimax's eyes, that just "content" to fill the hours while we wait for them to toil away at fixing the stuff they broke and wait for them continue to develop another release filled with repetitive quests, bugs, glitches, crashes and other drivel to keep us busy for a few weeks this fall. All before the next round of unbearable boredom sets in and we get to take another repetitious ride of frustration and disappointment.  

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Elder Scroll Online - Damage Front Loading and Diminishing Returns

I recently just started a new character, Stamblade Sniper PVP build. And I was shocked when at Level 6 I was able to Hit with a Bow for 35k critical damage using two Skills; Snipe followed by Shadow Cloak. I was one-shot killing most NPCs and by the time I morphed them to Focused Aim and Shadowy Disguise by level 10, I was able to critically hit world bosses for 40k damange. I thought to myself that this was definitely going to be a over-powered build; and it was and remains so at level 30.

But soon I noticed that with each level I gain, I lose damage. So what was once an OP build, is now slowly falling into the range of normalcy and my expectations slowly sank to their normal low. I tested my damage with a similar MAX CP character and I found that I should expect my damage with those two skills and some buffs should be about 19k. Disappointing if you ask me.

In most games we have ever played, as you level up your character the character became stronger; dealing more damage and not dying so fast. But in this game it is quite the opposite... I really have to try to die with a low level character, but can easily be one-shot killed in a vet dungeon or trial with my Max CP Stam-Sorc and my damage, while at about 25k DPS, has never reached 38k like it has with my new Stamblade Sniper. So this confuses me.

What is the point of leveling a character up if you just see the character's damage output drop with each level? When did this happen and why?

The Problem:

When Zenimax decided in its infinite wisdom to release One Tamriel on the community it tried to find a balance between low level players and Max Champion Point (CP) players. But what it did was it created an imbalance and their decision to later front-load damage pushed the new character over the scales balance.

One day I was roaming around my farming location, one of many farming locales I have in Tamriel, and I noticed a Max CP player running around killing enemy NPCs. It would take two or three swings for the player to kill one and would take a fair bit of time for the player to kill two of them.

So then, as a level 20, I followed my new Max CP stalker victim, I mean Unknowing Friend, and would do my one/two combo (Focused Aim and Shadowy Disguise) on whatever my new friend was fighting, and I was ravaging the NPCs with one shots, while he would need time to kill them. This must really feels like a let down, to see a level 20 literally dropping NPCs with one shot while you, 730 levels higher, not able to do so.

My question to Zenimax is this; Sure you get a new players attention with huge damage, assuming they know how to build for maximum damage output, and then you let them watch as their damage drops with every level the achiev. Here is this very powerful character and you get to watch it diminish to half the damage by the time it reaches Level 50. Have fun!

The higher I level the less powerful I become. From the perspective of a new player, how is that supposed to keep motivating a player to keep playing the game?

Before One Tamriel, I always looked a Champ (and dare I date myself by saying Vet) level character as what I wanted to be when I grew up. Strong, powerful... a source of inspiration.... motivation to grind. And now there is no role model because if at Level 10 I can out perform a Max CP in dealing damage in normal dungeons or even against world bosses, why would anyone really want to level up?

The Zenimax Fix:
Zenimax needs to give power back to those that have earned it. And I mean truly "earned" it. Low levels should be knocked back to the stone age in strength and power. Take away their participation ribbons. PVE and PVP; neither should be balanced. A Max CP player should never run the risk of losing a duel to a low level.

My first character could not defeat the first quest boss I came across. I died four times trying to kill it before someone else came in and helped. That's what an MMO is supposed to be about. Community helping. Now I can actually level a new character to 20 using dolmens (formerly known as anchors; another phrase dating my gaming origins) without any help what-so-ever.

That's right take away their extra damage and boosted defenses; they haven't earned it. Take away their access to CP until they hit level 50. Make them earn there Tam-Cred, if they don't earn it we just end up with a community of snot-nosed-entitlement-brats.

Their damage should be proportionate to the level they are playing. They should struggle to fight a delve boss alone or take on a mob of zombies. They should look at Max CP players as the demi-Gods that they should be in the game... feared (so that a low level requesting a duel is foolish, not someone who actually might have a chance) and respected (thank you for helping me with that world boss, dungeon boss or quest boss).

Maybe Zenimax can create some new items (weapons, armor, glyphs, etc.), powerful items, for characters that are Max CP. Could you image a two handed sword that does 3700 damage, call it the Champions Blessing Set, Chest pieces that have 3000 armor, rune stones that that are 800+ tri-glyphs (800 Health, 800 Stam, 800 Magicka)? Make it craftable... and can only be made at whatever Max CP is at the time.

This type of armament would truly keep scrubs out of main Cyrodiil campaigns (Vivec), as it should be; leave that to the big kids, you go play in Sotha Sil and Kyne and earn your stripes there.

People don't get to join the Army as a General right out of High School. They have to earn that shit. Zenimax needs to let scrubs and pugs earn theirs as well. Hey Zenimax... why don't you quit handing everyone the world on a silver platter and then complain when the community gets board with the game because they can complete most of it in a month or two without hitting max CP... and grinding is boring with no real reward for hitting max. 

As a new player, it is a long grind from start to max CP, and there needs to be a reward worthy of the grind for first time players to reach the max. Today's culture, particularly in the culture of Tamriel, a culture of participation ribbons doesn't create devotion to the game, just a devotion to how low-level of a character can you use to defeat a Max CP character.... it's a shame really. 

The Elder Scrolls Online: Lack of Moderation Equals Toxic community

If you have ever played any online multiplayer gamer, you know that communities around these games can get very toxic; to the point of being inhumane at times. The Elder Scrolls Online is no different than the other gaming communities.

The phrase toxic masculinity is one that comes to mind for me when thinking of online gaming toxicity. Toxic masculinity is used to describe certain behaviors that are considered the norm of masculine and these same behaviors are generally associated with harm to society and to the men themselves.

Unrealistic expectations of what masculinity is produces "toxic" effects like; violence (including sexual assault and domestic violence, verbal abuse, overt serialization, excessively risky and/or socially irresponsible behaviors including substance abuse, and dysfunction in relationships; especially online relationships, like those developed in gaming. And traits of toxic masculinity can be seen in our gaming culture and is not restricted to men. Women can partake and contribute to a toxic gaming culture as much as they are victimized by it.

The fact is that many people seem to forget this is just a game. The Elder Scrolls Online is just a game. Say it with me.

The Elder Scrolls Online is just a game.

Let that sink in for a minute... or an hour if you need that long.

Most mature guilds, ones that have been around for a while and are successful, especially those that make money off dues from their members, regulate their text chat and handle toxic gaming culture in their guilds, sometimes harshly. They do this to protect their micro-community; to provide a non-toxic place for their members to communicate, share and have fun.

But this is where the safety net ends. If you leave the safe harbor of a guild, it is the wild west of text and voice chat. Think of this region of the game's communications area as if it is Somalia meets 80s Homophobia meets 90s Porn, meets A Clockwork Orange meets Cannibal Corpse's "Hammer Smashed Face."

Anything goes and nobody gets admonished for it.

Lack of Zenimax moderators in public area chats (both text and voice) is the main source of the issue. The old saying, locks only keep honest men honest holds true. When people are provided a relatively anonymous way to verbally assault one another with zero moderation (as it is with the whole of the internet), the gloves come off and they usually stay off.

Today we have people, or bots, advertising gold for sale in the game, which is a direct violation of XBox terms and conditions. We have bot farmers clogging up quest areas, we have hate speech and racism being spewed across Tamriel and Zenimax is doing nothing to change it. The fact is, by not taking action to stop it, Zenimax is in fact supporting the hate, misogyny and racism as it provides a moderation free platform for it occur in.

Early in the game there were moderators, known as Game Masters, as seen above, but the last time I have heard of credible report (credible meaning a screen shot) of a Game Master was the 2014 Bot Cleansing. Not only would these Game Masters cleanse those exploiting new features, bot farmers and such, they would moderate the game chats (both area voice and text when it came available). People were kept in check; Game Masters were the locks that kept people honest. But now they are gone and the community has regressed to West World Status.

Today the zone text chat and area voice chat is rampant with racist, sexist and rapist remarks, foul language (no I'm not a prude), threats of assault (including sexual assault), and harassment (yeah, this is where I call out a douche-bag named Ruby). I won't say his whole gamer tag because this is not about throwing shade at individual but Ruby is a real world example of toxicity in the community. People like Ruby are allowed to run around stalking people he feels did him wrong, even with an Xbox account block in place, when in fact he was the one that screwed over a lot of people, including:
  • Bragging about stealing from a guild bank that wasn't his own 
  • Going into someone's house and moving all his stuff under ground and outside the boundary of the house 
  • Stealing guild members from former guilds that kicked him for stealing from their bank
  • Misogyny towards female guild members 
  • And openly racist remarks in voice chat.
And again, while a lot of the issues I have experienced involve men, women are not excluded from it. I have ran into some very toxic people on both sides of the binary gender line. One woman, who I will not name, but instead reference her as MS. M is known throughout the community for accusing men of trying to have sex with her and then saying she is going to kill herself and then ghosting the community (not just in Xbox, but in Facebook communities as well) leaving everyone to wonder, "WTF?"

While the rest of us try to have some fun, the Ruby's and Ms. M's of the game continue feeding the toxic culture and get away with it; time and again. Ms. M is still in the game, under a different name. Ruby is still in the game with no name change. Some people just want to see the world burn and Zenimax allows these people to roam free setting all the fires they wish to, unchecked by game moderators.

  1. Clearly publishing guidelines everyone has to accept providing what is unacceptable public area communications; anti-bullying, anti-racism, anti-misogyny, anti-hate, etc.
  2. Having Gamemasters in the game would help enforce these community guideline and drive down on this behavior, not just by eliminating it, but by preventing it. A police car in the neighborhood cuts down on property crimes, traffic violations and violent crimes. We need a Gamemaster in the game to act as this police car. We need a lock to keep the honest people honest as it were.
  3. Have a reporting mechanism in place. Realistically, Zenimax can't have someone online 24/7/365, even though I think it would be feasible given the money we have all paid them over the last three years. But they could put a reporting mechanism in place so that, for an example, if someone is behaving poorly in zone text chat, typing things racist things, bullying, threatening or otherwise harassing people, that text can be selected, just as it is now, with an extra option at the bottom of the Whisper, Travel To, Invite to Group, etc. options menu, to report that specific text to Zenimax moderators.
  1. Do not feed the trolls. We as a community need to stop engaging the toxic elements of our community as this added negativity just feeds the trolls and rewards their behavior; it given them what they want and encourages them to continue.
  2. Until Zenimax puts tools in place to address these community issues, if you find the behavior of another individual violates Microsoft's terms of use; no harassment, threats, abuse, hate speech; Take a screen cap of the activity (hard to do with voice chat, and it is known that Microsoft can't act on things said in voice chat, unless you capture video evidence of their behavior that contains their voice, but they can when it is typed in text chat) report them to Microsoft.
  3. And finally block them via Xbox live, which blocks them in game voice and text chat as well. Without an audience, they have nothing to feed from. If nothing else removing this negativity will greatly improve your personal experience in the game.
  4. A good guild cuts down on your exposure to this. In the case of Ruby; when his behavior was reported to and validated by our guild, he was kicked out of the guild, a guild he had purchased a (500k) lifetime membership to. They did this because a good guild will not tolerate the Ruby and Ms. M personas of the world.
There are a lot of great people in this community. Hell, I hang out with some of the best, most helpful people in the game. There are some fantastic guilds that don't allow these behaviors from their members. ESO as a community is not all bad, hell it's not even in the top ten most toxic game communities, but the community is getting toxic and it has its toxic elements and those elements are just as bad at the elements in the top ten. There are some awesome people out there; I wouldn't be where I am in the game without help from an outstanding group of people. And it people like you, like the people I hang with in the game that can make a difference. It's not too late for us to clean it up now and prevent it from getting worse.

Let's get this fixed Zenimax. Make the community better and you will retain more members and recruit more... that means more ESO plus subscriptions, more crowns being purchased and more money for in your shareholders... because we know that really what you care about.

Voice Chat Woes In Tamriel: The Elder Scrolls Online

Voice Communication is a critical aspect of this game. It helps teams communicate quick commands to each other during high tension battles, it allows new friendships to form, it enables long conversations to not have to be types out via Xbox's antiquated controller based keyboard. Without voice chat, much of the social aspect of the game is lost, and let's face it, outside of the main quests of this game, the rest of the game requires come socialization and team work to get through.

In a game where so many aspects of the game rely on a solid foundation of communication (guilds, questing, dungeons, trials and Cyrodiil) it is surprising that The Elder Scrolls Online built-in chat is as dysfunctional as it is and not conducive to a positive gaming experience from a user perspective.


Since voice chat remains an ongoing problem that Zenimax seems to have done very little to resolve. I am going to focus on four main pain problems with in-game chat, things that just about everyone has experienced problems with. All four of the problem areas tend to contribute to the others problems as well. The four points I will address are;
  1. Group Chat
  2. Area Chat
  3. Chat Controls
  4. Chat Bugs
Group Chat
There are several problems with group chat, but I will focus on two main issues. The first problem is when loading into a dungeon, half the time (if not more frequently) you will get dropped from Group Chat, making group chat not very reliable, especially if running with the same four people for the Undaunted Daily Dungeons. This has been a problem for so long that many people either use Xbox Parties or Guild Chat.

This leads to the second problem with Group Chat, when you join a group, everyone in the group is automatically forced into the glitch-ridden, problematic Group Chat, whether everyone was already in a guild chat or not. Not everyone needs to be forced into Group Chat automatically. This issue is exacerbated by the number Chat Bugs discussed below.

Area Chat
Area Chat is trash. Nothing more, nothing less. People blasting their music (hint, your cheap ($9) headset mic doesn't pick up any bass and your music sounds like the left Walkman headphone shoved in an empty spinach can; yes it sounds that shitty), people talking shit about everyone and everything; overtly sexual and misogynistic language used in degrading manners. If people wanted to ask for help in Area Voice Chat, they wouldn't be heard.

Area chat is not moderated. It is the wild, wild west of chat channels... and it is ridiculous. The only saving grace to Area Chat is the occasional auction, which is held in the remotest of area in Tamriel to prevent the issues described above from ruining the auction.

Outside of the action aspect, is area chat this even useful anymore?

Chat Controls
Zenimax has provided absolutely no chat controls. A group leader can't communicate the need to go to BRK in Cyrodil with a group of twenty-four people having ten different conversations at once in group chat and no option to mute all mics.

A group leader can't mute an individual that has walked away and left their mic next to a squawking bird or next to their television speaker. Group leaders lack any control around voice chat and this needs to change.

Players have to endure listening to others playing music in group/guild chat, or listen while stuffing their faces with potato chips/crisps or one of my favorites, when a player doesn't mute their mic when their significant other comes in the room to pick a fight with them or when they yell at their kids... that's always amusing. We have no way of muting another players except to mute or block via the Xbox Live interface and we may not want to have to resort to Xbox muting or blocking because they are just forgetful about muting their mic.

Chat Bugs
When a group forms and half the group loses their group chat and have to restart the game one or more times to get chat back.

The game forces a player from guild chat into group chat (but not 100% of the time because it glitches, see above bug), then if the players choose to join guild chat again, because group chat sucks (see issues identified above), guild chats disappear, requiring one or more game restarts to get the guild chats back.

If someone joins an Xbox Party Chat they have to hard reset their Xbox to get in-game-chat back, but not all the time.

How about the thing I call the "Domo Arigato Mister Roboto" Chat Effect; an effect that is specific to in-game-chat. Where packet loss causes the voices of everyone in a chat channel to sound fragmented, robotic or overly digitized. This is not a client-side issue, as everyone in the chat channel experiences it at the same time. I know it is specific to in-game-chat because not only do I hear it, but others in the party hear it and it affects everyone, regardless if they have fiber-optic, cable or DSL internet and if we move into an Xbox Party Chat voice coms are crystal clear. This is a MegaServer side issue. 


Give us options...
  • First and foremost... fix the Chat Bugs. 
  • Don't force us into Group Chat when we join a group. Prompt us and ask if we want to join group chat, just like we are asked, giving us the option, if we want to travel to the group leader right after joining. DO NOT blend the two. Keep each prompt separate, ask if we would like to change to group chat, wait for our response, then ask if we would like to travel to the group leader.
  • We have two unused radial menu options (Down and Left Hold) that could be put to use. Why not use one of them to add some Voice Chat Controls for players and group leaders. Just a thought; mute all mics (except the leaders), mute player, also adding a voice chat ready check requiring people in group voice chat to confirm the leader's need to for chat to be clear, especially in Cyrodiil, and only after they have confirmed or the group leader manually unmutes them can they have an active mic in group chat.
  • How about giving all players the ability to mute others in the chat channel, say via the group interface; if someone is playing music in a chat during dungeon, or has an excessively barking dog, crying kid, squawking bird, talks non-stop (without take a breath) or just an annoying voice, we should be able to mute just that player via Voice Chat Controls without going to Xbox, leaving the game, to mute or block them.
  • Do something with Area Voice Chat PLEASE. It needs to be moderated by Zenimax staff or turn it off altogether. 
What do you think? Does voice chat work fine for you? Did I miss some bugs or suggested features? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Elder Scrolls Online: A One Star Game with Four Star Potential

With every patch of The Elder Scrolls Online, even the launch which was the first patch in my mind, there have been issues; issues that in several cases have been catastrophic from a gaming experience. Additionally, many of these issues were discovered when a previous patch (according to the patch notes) did not address the issues they claimed to, and in some cases, the patch/fix actually made the issue worse while at the same time, creating new issues that weren't issues in the first place.

After Summerset was released, it was brought down for maintenance. When it came back up it was more broken than it was before and broken badly. But this has been the experience of residents of Tamriel since it's launch in 2015.

That leaves me to wonder how these things got "broken" in the first place. How integrated and reused is the source code. I understand the essence of object oriented design and how it relates to reuse and memory management, but what I also understand object isolation in programming, so that a change to one object in the source doesn't not have unintended consequences to other objects.

What is Zenimax's QA process like? Many of the issues that get "patched" in various releases have been ongoing for a long period of time without resolution, even after being specifically addressed in the patch, things like:
  • Unknown and known sources of Lag/Latency (Dueling in towns, two Zergs clashing in PVP as examples of a known sources of Lag/Latency)
  • Frequent Usually Long Load Times
  • Infinite load screens
  • Random Crashes becoming more and more frequent
  • FPS drops
  • and many more
Furthermore their releases have tended to reintroduce bugs that were previously patched and successfully resolved or at least minimized to make the issues more tolerable. For example, with the release of Summerset, which included relatively minimal changes to Cyrodiil, they reintroduced a bug where a player characters could become invisible while in Cyrodiil. This is a bug that was first patched in February 2017, nearly a year and a half before Summerset's release, as a part of the Homestead Release.

As a fix for PVP latency issues introduced in Summerset, they removed a fix that was put in place to remove the Infinite Load Screen for all players if loading had not finished in two minutes way back in the days of post-One Tamriel. And this "fix" not only failed to improve the Cyrodiil latency issues, is further broke an already buggy Summerset release for everyone else in Tamriel. 

For a game that is three years old, it feels like a first release with each major release. In the world of games, three years is a mature age for game, bugs being all but eliminated and sequels being planned for release, but this game has not matured a whole lot in the area of stability and the financial support players have made in the form of micro-transactions and subscriptions have yet to yield a stable game platform that is both reliable and consistent.

I have friends in the UK that came over to the NA server because, in their words, the EU server is dead because the game is broken. What do they mean by dead? You can't find a trial group, as their aren't enough high level people to make a 12 person group. You can buy a guild trader in Wayrest for 10k a week, but you will struggle to sell enough items in the trader to make up the cost; their words, not mine. 

I have compiled a complete list of of patch notes to support my Xbox Store Rating of 1 star all of which have been sourced from Zenimax's release notes in their forums.

June 2015 - Game Release: 
  • Login errors.
  • Broken login cues 
  • Long login cues
  • Login Cue Bugs: 
  • Queuing System Display: Our login queuing system will still occasionally display the incorrect wait time and queue placement.
  • Error 318: Some of you have been running into Error 318, stating that you have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. This message is a bit misleading, and is nothing you’re doing
  • Friends list not is populating in-game: We’re aware that there’s an issue where your friends list from Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network is not properly populating in-game. 
  • Explorer’s Pack or Imperial Edition items not being delivered 
  • Issues receiving crowns: We’re aware there’s an issue where you are not receiving your crowns after purchasing an ESO Plus membership, or seeing a significant delay after purchasing a crown pack. We’re working on a fix for both of these issues. 
  • Getting kicked from queue: In the event that you got kicked from the queue, you should immediately log back in. You will be placed back into the same place you were in prior to getting booted. 
  • Other player characters will occasionally appear as black silhouettes while either fighting in large battles in Cyrodiil, or when jumping repeatedly within two wayshrines. 
  • Attempting to destroy an item and simultaneously clicking the Back option will result in loss of Y-axis functionality. 
  • You may encounter some invisible NPCs during your play. 
  • You may encounter loading times up to two minutes when reviving at the wayshrine in Razak’s Wheel. 
  • Although rare, you may become stuck in place when interacting with the symbol of Arkay while on the Blood Matron quest. Relogging will fix this issue. 
  • A UI error will occasionally be displayed when attempting to view the Guild History window. 
  • Pressing Select on the character selection screen will sometimes cause a UI error. 
  • If you attempt to delete a character then cancel the delete, you will lose the ability to zoom or rotate your character at the Select Character and Character Creation screens. 
  • Unable to send mail: We've seen reports that you sometimes cannot send or receive mail. 
  • You cannot currently view the option to purchase an ESO Plus membership through the Xbox Marketplace. 
  • Crippling FPS issues  
  • Some NPCs (especially enemies) are invisible to the player and are not intractable. Enemies are able to attack the player and show up on the compass, but the player can not fight back or see them. 
August 2015: Imperial City DLC
  • Keeps and transit shrines in Azura's Star NA are not currently appearing
  • Some abilities cast by enemy player characters are causing a higher fall damage than intended. 
  • Food and drink buffs are not currently affected by Champion points or Champion passives. 
  • Players may become stuck in the Werewolf transformation animation when either entering a Sanctuary location in Imperial City, or if you are silenced while transforming. 
  • Your ability bar may fail to swap after you transform into a werewolf.
  • Crown Store consumable tooltips incorrectly state that they only scale to VR5 or VR10. 
  • Crown Store consumables do not currently scale beyond VR15. This is not intended, and they are meant to scale with your level, up to VR16. 
  • Some set items: A player may get stuck if killed from a damage over time effect while wearing this item set.
  • Long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update. 
  • Changing UI scale to something other than default size, will revert back to default size when loading into a new zone. 
  • Numerous other UI issues
November 2015: Orsinium DLC
  • House/Building just north west of Orsinium; Quest NPC stuck in the floor on the second story of a building. Unable to get quest 
  • Non-vet Maelstrom Arena: Stranglers repeatedly launch players across the map.
  • Crashes while interacting with a crafting tables.
  • Random crashes throughout the game 
  • Mounts: Continued random dismounting while mounted. 
  • Templar Skill: Toppling Charge -Glitches out and never executes 
  • Some gear cannot be deconstructed: primarily Ancient Orc style
  • Mercenary Motifs show as "Use to add to your library": even when player already knows the chapter. 
  • Fishing broken in Wrothgar: with 3 or more players fishing in one spot, no fish are caught by anyone. As soon as there are 2 player or less, fish can be caught again.
  • Loading screens: Random loading screen appearing while walking through Wrothgar. Unusual amount of Unusually Long Load Times, 30 to 60 seconds.
June 2016: Thieves Guild
  • Visual glitches in armor rendoring
  • Crime Spree quest not allowing advancement even after completing objectives
  • Champion Skills not working as advertised
  • Retroactive receipt of Caldwell's Gold and Silver not received.
  • Maelstrom Arena Vet/Normal glitched
  • Tara's Favor is bugged
  • Frequent and random UI Errors
  • Summoned Twilight disappears when wayshrine is used. Hitting the ability key does not summon the missing twilight unless you first hold the key down for 4 seconds to dismiss the missing twilight, and then hit the key again to summon it again.
  • If you have both Inferno and Inner Light on your bar you no longer receive the 5% bonus magicka from Inner Light
  • World boss icons on the map turn white when you discover them, rather then after you defeat them.
  • Crescent Sweep skill does not do the damage advertised in tooltip
  • Elfborn is ignored by Crescent Sweep Crit
  • Valkyn Scoria proc rate not accounting for all DoT effects in play.
  • Multiple mundus stones, 7 or more, is still being exploited.
  • Multiple visual and animation glitches
August 2016: Shadows of the Hist
  • Textures not loading
  • Random crashes
  • Previous issues, broken parts of the game, remain broken
  • Mazzatun Boss bugs
  • “Into the Maw" not correctly awarding loot once per week
  • Unable to dye some costumes
  • Able to get on top of keeps in Cyrodiil
  • Unable to fast travel to Dragonstar Arena
  • Celestial Trials not granting awards
Sept 2016: Gold Edition
  • 5 player characters could be erroneously formed if a 2-player group and a 3-player group queued for the same activity.
  • Previous issues, broken parts of the game, remain broken
October 2016: One Tamriel
  • PVE combat animations missing
  • Auto zoomed into first person
  • Random crashes
  • Lag spikes
  • Infinite loading screens
  • Ability effects not displaying
  • Quest pins not appearing
  • Random group removals
  • Issues with Vicious Death set
  • Undaunted Daily Quests do not cycle properly
  • Numerous dungeon bugs
  • Numerous itemization bugs 
  • Numerous game play bugs
  • Unable to log into Cyrodiil after a crash
  • Broken quests
  • Balance issues
  • Fixed an issue that caused potions of Vitality or Defile to incorrectly compete with the Minor Protection buff.
  • Fixed an issue that caused crafted Ravage Health poisons to deal roughly twice as much damage as intended over their full duration.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip duration for potions would not change after acquiring the "Medicinal Use" passive.
  • Psijic Ambrosia and Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia cannot be used while moving.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Connoisseur passive from correctly increasing the duration of certain Witches Festival and New Life Festival drinks.
  • Fixed an error preventing Enchanting and Alchemy Survey Reports from being distributed properly, leading to you being consistently sent to single locations. 
  • Fixed an issue where some Ice Wolf Pups would occasionally have collision The Crown Store will no longer always be locked the first time you open it. 
  • Fixed an issue where a seam could be visible on the hind legs of some Senche cubs. The Pocket Mammoth pet will now appear in-view at all times when it should be on screen. 
  • Your feet will no longer float while the dro-m'Athra Senche mount first spawns in. 
  • Fixed various locations where you could become stuck in the world. All dungeon-specific abilities will now display a proper icon in the Death Recap. 
  •  Golor the Banekin Handler will no longer endlessly pursue cowardly player characters. 
  • Lover's Torment: Alanwe's soul will now spawn more reliably at the end of the quest. 
  • Ruzozuzalpamaz's Web Wrap now displays a duration under the active effects UI. 
  • You will no longer be knocked through the door before it's opened during the battle with War Chief Ozozai. 
  • You can no longer be knocked through the door when fighting Kra'gh the Dreugh King. 
  • The damage from Selene's Primal Spirit can now be reduced by blocking. 
  • Deadly Whispers now has a quest marker indicating where you must go to “Silence the Whispers". 
  • The Flesh Atronach triplets and Mad Mortine will no longer endlessly pursue cowardly player characters.
  • Gust of Wind is now appropriately named in your active effects UI.
  • Updated all Motif Books, Motif Chapters, and Provisioning recipes to stack to 200!
  • The Shalk found in Senie will now drop loot.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed non-Destruction Staff weapons to occasionally drop with the Destruction Master set from the final encounter of Dragonstar Arena. 
  • Bogdan's Flame, a uniquely-named Inferno Staff found in Elden Hollow II, is no longer part of the Light Speaker item set, which requires use of Restoration Staff abilities. It is instead now part of the Undaunted Bastion set. 
  • Fixed an issue where Skoria's Charred Claymore would always drop at Purple quality, regardless of the dungeon's difficulty. It now only drops in Purple quality if you play City of Ash II on Veteran mode, and correctly drops in Blue quality on Normal mode. 
  • The Prismatic weapons obtained by completing the Fighters Guild quest "Will of the Council" are now Bind on Equip instead of Bind on Pickup. 
  • Fixed an issue where items in the Lord Warden item set had the incorrect default Enchantment. Heavy items now have Health, Medium items have Stamina, and Light items have Magicka, as with other Monster Mask item sets. 
  • Fixed an issue where many item sets, including those found on vendors from capturing towns in Cyrodiil, were sourcing Rings andNecklaces at a 50/50 ratio. They are now sourcing Rings more often than Necklaces, as originally intended. 
  • Fixed an issue where some items in the Shadow Dancer's Raiment item set did not drop with the correct default Enchantment. Weapons in this item set now drop with the Absorb Magicka enchantment Fixed an issue with the various aura/ball sets (Ebony Armory, Hircine's Veneer, Worm's Raiment, and Sanctuary) where they were not applying their bonuses correctly if you weapon swapped while using weapons of those sets. 
  • Fixed an issue where some item set procs that were meant to fire off of fully-charged Heavy Attacks (such as Sunderflame or Wise Mage) were firing on every tick of a Lightning or Restoration Staff Heavy Attack. 
  • Bahraha's Curse: Fixed an issue where this item set's proc could not fire from Light or Heavy attacks. 
  • Draugr Heritage: Fixed an issue where this item set's proc could trigger before you fell below 35% Health. 
  • Dreamer's Mantle: Fixed an issue where this item set's proc could trigger before you fell below 35% Health. 
  • Elf Bane: Fixed an issue where this item set's bonus was not increasing the duration of many Flame Damage abilities including Magma Armor, Fire Storm, and Wall of Fire. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Major Evasion proc granted by this item set could become permanently applied in rare circumstances. 
  • Kyne's Kiss: This bow-specific set will no longer appear for weapons other than bows. 
  • Maelstrom Destruction Staff Enchantment: 
  • Fixed an issue where this enchantment was not granting you a damage bonus for your Light Attacks. 
  •  Razum-dar will no longer try to walk through doors by mashing his face into it. Silly Khajiit, that's not how doors work. 
  • Bangkorai Dayarrus will no longer spawn in the floor. 
  •  Between Blood and Bone: You can now use the door to the Coral Tower any time after entering it while still on the quest. 
  • Hall of Judgment: Fixed an issue where you could unintentionally avoid aggro during the quest step to defend the Mages. 
  • Library of Dusk: You can no longer speak to Raynor Vanos while he is sleeping. 
  • Soul Shriven in Coldharbour: Lockpicks are now available in the quest reward for those that want to start their life of crime early. 
  • Special Blend: Nelhilda no longer attempts to stand on the table to make the purifying potion. 
  • The Will of the Worm: Thallik's Gem will no longer interfere with jumping while using Gamepad Mode. 
  • The Wounds in the World: Fixed an issue where the Watcher would stop granting credit when killed. 
  • Fixed an issue where Inventory and Gold amounts would appear twice in the vendor UI. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Join Queue button could get disabled when it should be enabled. 
  • Fixed an issue where item tooltips could incorrectly reflect the quantity of that item you actually have. 
  • Fixed an issue where previewing a mount in the Crown Store would not consistently work. 
  • Fixed an issue where the dueling countdown could freeze when a quest has recently been granted. 
  • Fixed an issue where icons on the ability bar would flicker when you ran low on resources. 
  • Lag, latency and long load times resulting from dueling in major cities, wayshrines and Undaunted Camps.
February 2017: Homestead
And after patching for all of the ONE Tamriel issues they had to release this patch as a part of Homestead.
  • Fixed an issue where other player characters could become invisible while in Cyrodiil.
  • When crafting furniture, the category containing lights is now correctly called “Lighting" instead of “Shrine."
  • Fixed an issue that caused Master Writ invitations involving certain item sets to change to require Deadly Strikes after being put on a Guild Store.
  • Fixed an issue where the Daily Bonus Rewards granted through the Grouping Tool would not be granted upon completion of a dungeon.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing you to be unexpectedly returned to the character selection menu.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when changing zones or using a wayshrine.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur after attacking a Sentinel in the Wailing Prison.
  • Fixed a crash that was tied to previewing furnishings.
And then another patch a week later to resolve these bugs...
  • A fix for long load screens when trying to travel to a zone with a high density of player characters
  • Several quest-related fixes
  • Adjustments to how you obtain Decorative Wax (used in Furnishing Crafting), and more
And a week later this patch to address new or otherwise unresolved issues from Homestead
  • Ongoing performance issues
  • Several smaller bug fixes including treasure chests found through maps now having a small chance of containing paintings
  • Disabling Champion Points on all Cyrodiil campaigns to run a series of PvP performance tests; this affects all platforms and megaservers. During this time, Alliance Point gains in all Campaigns will be doubled, both to compensate for lack of Champion Points and also to give incentive for everyone to PvP. Campaign duration and leaderboards will not be adjusted during this week.
And another patch a week later this patch, again to resolve previously unresolved game play issues.
  • Issues surrounding the Grouping Tool, furnishings, and general gameplay
  • Re-enabling Champion Points in Cyrodiil and a few changes to AP gains
And another patch a month later this patch, again to resolve previously unresolved game play issues.
  • Volatile Familiar: Fixed an issue with Ranks I - III of this ability where the pulse damage from the Volatile Familiar was being increased by Daedric Prey from other players.
  • Fixed a rare issue that caused the Hlaalu Furnisher's Document to occasionally appear empty after being opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the enchantment bonus from the Maelstrom Destruction Staff was not functioning for more than one player if multiple players used Wall of Elements on the same target.
  • The mail window will no longer close if you open it quickly after changing zones.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented certain Alchemy Reagents from appearing in the Reagent search results at Guild Traders.
And another patch three weeks later this patch, again to resolve previously unresolved game play issue.
  • Fixed an issue where, in some cases, Master Writ quests would advance even if the crafted item did not match the required Item Set.
And two weeks later... this patch... again to resolve previously unresolved game play issue.
  • Bolt Escape: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could fail to function in certain locations.
June 2017: Morrowind - Release June 6th... on June 9th released a patch to address the following bugs.
  • Fixed an issue where you would be auto-queued for a Battleground after completing a match, putting you into a state where you would get stuck in the queue without being able to leave.
  • Dive: Fixed an issue where weapon swapping after casting this ability and its morphs would cause the enemy’s health to not update based on the damage they took.
  • Shimmering Shield (Crystallized Shield morph): Fixed an issue where the Major Heroism buff from this morph was being removed by other abilities that grant Minor Heroism.
  • The Hunter-Killer Fabricants’ Proximity Static beam will no longer hit targets outside the visual width of the beam.
  • The beam from Transformer Arcs will no longer hit targets outside the visual width of the beam.
  • Spheres summoned as part of the Hunter-Killer Fabricant fight will no longer get into a state in which they cannot target the last living player character.
  • The Hunter-Killer Fabricants are no longer vulnerable to Shock effects.
  • The Assembly General will now correctly award points when defeated in Hard Mode.
  • Divayth Fyr will repeat himself less often while you engage the Pinnacle Factotum.
  • Magister Makes a Move: Fixed an issue where Florrina was occasionally not appearing properly.
  • You can no longer use Frozen Gate to pull other players into spawn locations in Imperial City. You can also no longer cast Nature’s Grasp abilities to get back into respawn locations.
  • When resurrecting to a Cyrodiil Keep from Imperial City, you will now actually be sent to the Keep rather than resurrecting in place or falling to your doom.
  • Fixed an issue where Maelstrom’s Bow would lose an enchantment charge every time Volley and its morphs dealt damage. It should now only lose one charge for each cast of Volley and its morphs.
  • Fixed an issue after subtracting a single Champion Point from a Star, additional points from that Star would be subtracted without additional input.
Ten Days Later they had to release another patch to address previously unresolved bugs.
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause Battleground queuing to fail.
  • Forging the Future will now correctly grant a reward once per week.
  • Fixed an issue that caused chapters of the Bouyant Armiger motif to appear less often than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent groups from forming or being filled in Cyrodiil when using the Grouping Tool.
  • Cyrodiil Guards will no longer have the wrong abilities applied to them when a Keep is upgraded. This was causing Guards to be much more difficult than intended.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing graphical issues in Spellscar, and would occasionally cause your game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some appearances purchased from the Crown Store from remaining equipped or visible when traveling between zones.
  • Fixed an issue where alchemical poisons were causing certain persistent area of effect abilities (such as Volley or Wall of Elements) to terminate early.
Seven Days Later... this patch...
  • Enchanted Forest: Fixed an issue where this morph was not generating Ultimate if the ally was healed to above 50% health on the first healing tick.
  • Fixed an issue where you would be removed from a queue when trying to re-queue immediately after declining a Ready Check.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent other players from being found for your group if your first replacement declined the invite.
  • Fixed an issue where you would not be put back into a queue after attempting to form a group when another player would not accept the Ready Check due to being inactive.
August 2017: Horns of Reach
  • Fixed a UI-related issue where the rewards earned at the end of a Battleground would overlap with elements on the Battleground scoreboard.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some players in Ready Check to not receive any error message when someone declined the Ready Check.
  • Fixed some missing textures on the Dwarven Colossus.
  • Vivec’s underwear is now the same color as his loin cloth, for those of you who previously checked.
  • Fixed numerous gaps, clipping and distorting that would occur when wearing Buoyant Armiger armor.
  • You will no longer see error messages relating to visual effects when using the Ashlander Ruby Ash Staff.
  • Fixed an issue where the Redoran Heavy Armor would contain floating pieces on the left gauntlet when equipped by female characters.
  • Fixed a number of minor camera issues that could occur when interacting with crafting stations in Vvardenfell.
  • Fixed an issue where certain types of mudcrabs in Morrowind would never drop Mudcrab Chitin when slain.
  • Forgotten Wastes; Fixed an issue where you could be knocked back through doors; You can no longer mount in this public dungeon.
  • Nchuleftingth; Fixed an issue where you could be knocked back through doors.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sixth House Robe would hide your facial hair when equipped, even though your face would be visible.
  • The Waterlogged Strong Box and “Good Travels!” note are now both Bind on Pickup.
  • The Library of Andule book will now properly glow.
  • Fixed an issue where you could see through part of the second story in the Ald Velothi Harbor House from the first floor.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in you occasionally being witnessed while opening illicit goods within Vvardenfell's Outlaw Refuge.
  • Fixed numerous issues relating to quest pins.
  • Fixed various issues surrounding quest voiceover and text mismatches.
  • Fixed several missing quest item icons.
  • Fixed several books that broke stealth when you interacted with them.
  • Fixed many typos found in quest text.
  • Fixed an issue where the Invitation to Morrowind would appear at the level of the character that first received the mail, which would prevent your lower level characters from reading it.
  • You can no longer be knocked back through doors in Shulk Ore Mine.
  • Ashalmawia; Fixed an issue where you could attack monsters without being attacked back.
  • A Creeping Hunger: Fixed an issue where Wuyuvus could become stuck behind a wall when using their Spring ability.
  • A Town Without Purpose: Foreman Lathdar no longer walks away during conversation with you.
  • Broken Bonds; Fixed an issue where your quest progress could become blocked if you attacked Naryu with a Restoration Staff equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing several wayshrines in Vvardenfell to be displayed incorrectly on the map.
  • Fixed a texture seam that would appear on the ears of the Lynx.
  • Speaking for the Dead: Fixed an issue that prevented grouped players from completing the quest step “Place Auricular Geodes in Skeletons.”
  • Fixed a rare issue where some Item Set procs could critically strike.
  • Fixed an issue where the monsters summoned by the Shadowrend and Morkuldin Item Sets would attack sneaking or invisible player characters.
  • Armor of Truth: This item set’s proc will now function correctly when you set an enemy off-balance.
  • Engine Guardian: The monster summoned by this Item Set’s proc will now stick by your side instead of attempting to wander off and engage enemies (similar to the behavior of the Betty Netch).
  • Galerion’s Revenge: Fixed an issue where this item set was displaying the wrong name in Death Recap.
  • Light Speaker: Fixed an issue where this Item Set was not adding Spell Damage to Restoration Staff light and heavy attacks.
  • Ravager: Updated this Item Set’s tooltip to indicate its proc cooldown.
  • Shroud of the Lich: Updated this Item Set’s tooltip to more clearly indicate its proc condition.
  • Vestments of the Warlock: Updated this Item Set’s tooltip to more clearly indicate its proc condition.
  • Wizard’s Reposte: Fixed an issue where the debuff applied by this item set would remove invisibility from your target.
  • Fixed several collision issues with a variety of assets to reduce camera clipping and situations where your character would float above these assets.
  • Fixed some texture issues with a variety of assets.
  • Fixed various boulders that had openings on the bottom.
  • Fixed a variety of flames from braziers and lamps so they can no longer been seen through various objects.
  • Indoril wall hangings are back and with more appropriate art. Please review the Tribunal's own Accolade Furnisher and the Housing Editor for more details.
  • Fixed an issue that made certain lights throughout the game brighter than intended.
  • Fixed an audio-related game crash.
  • Fixed a number mismatched or erroneous text/voice-over pairings throughout the game.
  • The Clannfear will no longer repeat his audio constantly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Barbaric style was incorrectly referred to as the Reach style in some places.
  • Fixed an issue where Gradual Health Drain Poisons would report an unusual duration difference between the two-reagent version and the three-reagent version.
  • Fixed an issue permitting some resource-restoring poison effects to tick more often than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Drain Health and Gradual Drain Health poisons stopped dealing damage after the first tick.
  • Fixed an issue during the Blacksmith Certification quest where your quest marker would appear to be blank when directing you back to Millenith.
  • Fixed an issue during the Provisioning Certification quest where your quest marker would take you to the wrong location when directing you back to Danel Telleno.
  • Fixed some missing textures in various furniture pieces from the Molag Bal bundle.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Assistants to appear to continue to offer their services while underwater.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to get kicked for inactivity when watching the credits.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bloom on certain light sources to be too intense.
  • Fixed an issue where the conversation window wouldn't open while you were swimming.
  • Fixed an issue where the Deposit/Withdraw window would remain on-screen even when a banker walked away.
  • Fixed an issue where linked achievements would appear behind most UI elements.
  • Fixed an issue when selling the last item of junk to a vendor would cause keybinds to overlap.
  • Fixed an issue where the voting UI element could get stuck on your screen if it was open at the end of a vote kick.
  • Fixed an issue where your social list selection would not save after selecting a player.
  • Fixed an issue where the Werewolf Transformation ability would end early if it was used after dodge rolling.
  • Fixed an issue where the bonus from the Torug’s Pact item set was modifying the strength and cooldown of poisons.
  • Fixed an issue where the monsters summoned by the Shadowrend and Morkuldin Item Sets would attack sneaking or invisible player characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the debuff applied by the Wizard’s Reposte item set would remove invisibility from your target.
  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown for the Prismatic Weapon enchantment was not being reduced by the Infused trait.
  • Fixed an issue so all grouped players that were formed through the Grouping Tool will now receive the bonus rewards after completing a dungeon.
November 2017: Clockwork City
  • Fonder Jodain no longer flickers as he turns to sit down during the tutorial quest.
  • Naryu no longer flickers during conversation in the quest Broken Bonds.
  • Boss music in Morrowind now plays more reliably.
  • Fungal Growth: Fixed an issue where some of the visual effects of this ability and its morphs were not aligned with the actual location of the healing cone.
  • Fixed an issue where Crafting Motif 51: Hlaalu Boots could be used even if you had already learned that chapter.
  • Grateful pilgrims will stop cowering once you rescue them from Cliff Striders.
  • Adjusted the Blade of Woe to further reduce the likelihood of becoming stuck in nearby objects when it is used.
  • Sea Mage: Waterspout no longer continues to display its interrupt telegraph after the caster is interrupted.
  • Fixed an issue where you could revive and immediately cast the last ability you had queued up right before your character died.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon enchantments would not proc against a target that blocked the attack.
  • Aspect of Terror: Fixed an issue with this ability and its morphs where the visual effects would not appear if a target with CC-immunity was within the area of effect.
  • Path of Darkness: Fixed an issue where some of the visual effects from this ability and its morphs were not aligned with the actual location of the path.
  • Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where casting this ability and its morphs was erroneously displaying the error text “You can’t cast that ability right now”.
  • Relentless Focus (Grim Focus morph): Fixed an issue where this morph could not be cast while silenced.
  • Soul Siphon (Soul Shred morph): Fixed an issue where Rank I of this ability had a 10 meter initial radius instead of a 15 meter initial radius.
  • Daedric Tomb (Daedric Mines morph): Fixed an issue where the placement of the mines created by this morph were not aligned with your ground-based reticle.
  • Summon Storm Atronach: Fixed an issue where the Atronach summoned from this ability and its morphs could use its channeled zap attack through walls.
  • Mages’ Fury: Fixed an issue where multiple players could not maintain the execute explosion debuff on the same target.
  • Forceful: The damage dealt by this passive ability will no longer double dip in damage modifiers, and will no longer critically strike.
  • Stampede (Critical Charge morph): Fixed an issue where this morph could apply multiple snare debuffs whenever it was recast.
  • Thrive in Chaos (Lacerate morph): Fixed an issue where some of the visual effects of this morph were persisting longer than their actual duration. We also fixed an issue where this morph was displaying incorrect icons in your bufftrackers.
  • Arrow Spray: Fixed an issue where some of the visual effects of this ability and its morphs were not aligned with the actual location of the damage cone.
  • Bombard (Arrow Spray morph): Fixed an issue where the name of the debuff icon applied by this morph was incorrect.
  • Elemental Ring (Impulse morph): Fixed an issue where this morph was not causing alchemical poisons to proc.
  • Shooting Star (Meteor morph): Fixed an issue where this morph could be cast on dead enemies.
  • Shadow of the Red Mountain: This item set’s proc can no longer target neutral monsters or monsters you are not in combat with
  • Fixed an issue where the reduction to Spell and Weapon Damage applied by the Weakening Enchantment was being treated as a buff instead of a debuff.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual effects of the Fiery Weapon enchantment were displaying incorrectly.
  • Fasalla’s Guile: Fixed an issue where the proc from this Item Set would aggro neutral monsters around you.
  • Selene: Fixed an issue where the telegraph created by the proc of this Item Set would swivel toward its target.
  • Sword Singer: Fixed an issue where this Item Set’s bonus was not modifying the Momentum skill.
  • Torug’s Pact: Fixed an issue where this Item Set’s bonus was not applying to the Poisoned Weapon enchantment.
  • Viper’s Sting: Fixed an issue where the damage from this Item Set’s proc could be blocked
  • Fixed various assets that were floating, stretched, or appeared to be missing.
  • Fixed various assets to prevent players from seeing through them or into them.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some characters to not display in high resolution until you were very close to them.
  • Fixed an issue where you were unable to see your bow animations while sneaking in third-person mode.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Wisp trails.
  • Fixed several painful clipping issues affecting the following items:
  • Fixed some gaps found between walls and doorframes.
  • Fixed various assets with visible seams.
  • Fixed collision on various assets.
  • Fixed textures that were previously missing or stretched on a variety of assets
  • Fixed a number of edge cases where audio wasn’t playing properly for certain monsters and player abilities.
  • Fixed a number mismatched or erroneous text/voice-over pairings throughout the game.
  • Dead Dwarven spheres no longer appear as though they’re dying again each time they’re observed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused several crafted poisons to last the same duration whether they were crafted with three matching traits or two matching traits.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the owners of several homes to not display at the correct location on their in-game map.
  • Made several fixes to the map behavior in Hakkvild’s High Hall.
  • Fixed a number of infrequent game crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where conflict indicators could persist on the Cyrodiil map when switching between campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some tutorials from scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue with the Guild History screen where the tooltip wouldn't update when switching pages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Improvement warning could persist into other menus.
  • Fixed an issue where you would not be prompted to import housing permissions for a newly-acquired home.
  • Fixed an issue with the camera at crafting stations occasionally being too blurry.
  • Fixed an issue where switching between the Gamepad and keyboard UI would not fully update the Death Recap UI.
  • Fixed an issue where your inventory count would not update immediately when un-equipping gear.
  • Fixed an issue where the Champion UI would display as if no points were allocated.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in the loss of camera control while sitting and using free-look.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause newly-created guilds to not have the “View Guild Bank Gold” permissions enabled by default for the guildmaster, though it could still be set manually.
  • Fixed an issue where the "View Guild Bank Gold" permission would also control viewing item deposit/withdraw history. Fixed an issue that could result in failing to receive an error message when attempting to invite a player into a guild. Fixed an issue where Guild Store NPCs would sometimes not display their owned guild name.
  • Fixed an issue where you could get a UI error when switching from the Guild Store to another UI screen.
  • Fixed an issue where changing guild ranks could cause the guild bank UI to not load.
One day later this patch was released...
  • Where there was missing text in the French game client
  • Where Factotums were providing furnishing plans more often than intended
Six days later... yet another patch...
  • An incremental patch that fixes the issue where Eclipse, Petrify, and Rune Prison couldn’t be cast against a blocking target
  • A fix to help with the issue where your character would get knocked through the world against the Uppercut ability
  • Also included are some crash fixes, quest issues, and more
And another six days later...
  • Fixed the Nightblade ability Shadow Image.
  • Fixed a few quests, including “Kill Enemy Wardens”
  • Fixed a couple UI issues
And this doesn't even cover the Dragon Bones and Summerset releases... which each presented old and new issues alike.

I don't think it is too much for me ask of Zenimax to consider the amount of money gamers like you, like me, like everyone who has chosen to call Tamriel home has paid in micro-transactions and subscriptions and for Zenimax to "fix their s**t".

As to why I gave the game a one star rating after playing the game for years and year, well, I couldn't give it more than that because anyone who may have looked at my rating and review and then installed the game today would likely find any rating above 1 star to not align with the reality of today's Tamriel experience. This is why I gave the game a 1 star rating in the Xbox game store.

UPDATE: Wolf Hunter DLC July 9 on PTS

  • Moon Hunter Keep and March of Sacrifices;4-player dungeons in Reaper’s March and Greenshade, respectively.
  • Unique item sets, including two new Undaunted Monster Mask sets, only available within the dungeons.
  • New Battleground Map - Istirus
  • Keep Recall Stones
  • Battlegrounds Outfit Styles
  • Arena Gladiator Costume
  • We’ve updated the player ability respec system so activating respec mode no longer clears all of your points, but instead allows you to add and remove points from your abilities.
  • Welkynar Motif
  • Hunter’s Glade and Grand Psijic Villa homes
  • Champion Point Increase
  • Captured Keep and Scroll bonuses are not currently applying properly.
  • The Blood Moon jewelry box is incorrectly labeled as containing Plague Singer
  • The Savage Werewolf item set box currently contains the Blood Moon set item.
  • If you've ever been a Werewolf or Vampire and have cured yourself, you may find you're unable to use any abilities. Simply purchase a Werewolf bite from the Crown Store (only 1 crown) and use the item to fix your character.
  • Fixed an issue where quest icons could display incorrectly above Clockwork City elevators.
  • Added a missing ceiling texture within Xith-Izkul Sanctuary in the Blackwoods Borderlands.
  • Fixed an issue where unique furnishings available as drops from enemies in the Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak dungeons were significantly more rare than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating Zaan in Scalecaller Peak on Veteran Hard Mode would sometimes result in two Scalecaller Motif chapters dropping. Now, you will always receive a single Motif chapter when defeating Zaan on Veteran Hard Mode.
  • The Brace for Impact ability now displays an appropriate icon during the encounter with Lord Warden Dusk.
  • Doubled the drop rate of the Stonefire Scamp Pet and Soul-Shriven Skin Runeboxes, available from the Simulacrum of Molag Bal.
  • Fixed an issue where burning oil was clipping into the ground during the quest “Blood on a King’s Hands”.
  • Improved the collision on various assets so you no longer appear to float or sink through the floor, and updated some assets to better match what they represent.
  • Added a missing texture to the Wine Stomp Barrel.
  • Healers will now use Minor Wound more often.
  • Fixed an issue where Yaghra Larvae would remain intact after exploding into a fine mist.
  • Fixed an issue where Salamanders would levitate awkwardly above the ground.
  • Fixed an issue where Salamanders wouldn't. Stop. Slithering.
  • Graveld is no longer easier to hit after returning from his hideaway than before he leaves.
  • Fixed an issue where the gryphon world bosses would sometimes fail to spawn.
  • Nagravia's landing is now more graceful.
  • Increased the range at which Keelsplitter can bite.
  • Waterspout no longer procs the Chill status.
  • Adjusted how Waterspout, Slam, and Swipe hits are targeted to make the fight less punitive for melee players.
  • Improved the attack messaging - in your favor.
  • Increased the damage from Waterspout.
  • Players are no longer as aggressively removed from Keelsplitter’s credit list.
  • Repaired an issue where Queen of the Reef could attack invisibly before she emerged from the sands.
  • Repaired an issue where Queen of the Reef’s brood would not despawn when she reset.
  • Increased the playable area to receive credit for killing the Queen of the Reef.
  • Fixed an issue where Queen of the Reef would sometimes fail to spawn.
  • Alchemy's Keen Eye will now illuminate giant clams seen on the shores of Summerset.
  • Clams in Summerset now always drop an Alchemy reagent. Pearl furnishing items now only come from Clams that have a pearl inside.
  • Fixed an issue where the Jewelry Crafting Certification quest would accept any ring, rather than only accepting a ring you crafted.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some of the Rich Seams in Jewelry Crafting Survey: Craglorn III to disappear when you got close to the resource nodes.
  • Added interaction text to Jewelry Crafting Writ Turn-In Crates.
  • Updated the text on the Jewelry Trait Master achievement for clarity.
  • Heavy Sacks will now have a chance to drop Jewelry Crafting Dust instead of Jewelry Crafting Ounces.
  • Dramatically improved the value of Artifact-quality Jewelry Crafting Master Writs, and significantly increased the value of Legendary-quality Jewelry Crafting Master Writs, in terms of their Writ Voucher payouts.
  • All Jewelry Crafting Writs received in the future will see this increased Voucher value; this change will not impact any Jewelry Crafting Master Writs already present in game.
  • Wet Gunny Sacks are now Green quality, and Pyandonean Bottles are now Blue quality (matching Waterlogged Psijic Satchels).
  • Waterlogged Psijic Satchels and Wet Gunny Sacks now have text indicating that "It sounds like there's something inside."
  • Pyandonean Bottles and Wet Gunny Sacks now require confirmation when you wish to delete them.
  • Pyandonean Bottles and Wet Gunny Sacks no longer have a sell price, and cannot be sold to merchants.
  • Updated the icon on Wet Gunny Sacks to indicate that they don't contain gold coins.
  • Fixed an issue where four particular chairs in the Shimmerene Waterworks could not be sat on.
  • You will now always obtain a Culanda Lacquer from completing daily quests for the Sapiarchs in Alinor.
  • The "Waterlogged Note" item is now marked as a Scroll, rather than as Trash.
  • Fixed an issue where the Traitor's Vault had an excessive number of lootable wardrobes.
  • There are now more pools of fishable Foul water in Summerset. Per a report released by Kinlady Avinisse, this is attributed to increased litter and run-off due to the influx of outsiders.
  • Fixed a number of minor issues with the names and descriptions of several Summerset furnishings.
  • Reduced the cost in Culanda Lacquer to make Summerset High Elven furnishings for Fine and Superior items from 2 to 1. Artifact and Legendary items still require 2 Culanda Lacquer.
  • More citizens of Summerset can now be pickpocketed, and their pockets contain items appropriate to their social standing.
  • More citizens of Summerset will react appropriately to said pickpocketing and trespassing.
  • Yet more citizens have become careless and can now be killed with the Blade of Woe.
  • Cuinanthon's House is now a trespass location.
  • A Necessary Alliance: Fixed an issue where two copies of the NPCs associated with this quest would appear at the ritual platforms.
  • A Pearl of Great Price: Slightly reduced the difficulty of the Yaghra Monstrosity boss.
  • Buried Memories: Yaghra involved in this quest will now reward you when you defeat them.
  • Your quest progress will no longer become blocked if you have to reenter the instance after burning Mephala’s barrier.
  • You can no longer bypass the third Memory to go straight to K’Tora.
  • Illusions of Grandeur: The enemies in the Academy Stacks now respawn at a slower pace.
  • Lauriel’s Lament:
  • You will now be properly directed throughout the Direnni Acropolis while on this quest.
  • Advancing the quest by interacting with the Keeper’s Flame can now be shared properly with group members.
  • Lost in Translation:
  • You can no longer enter Evergloam prematurely.
  • Fixed an issue where the map would point you in the wrong direction while in Evergloam.
  • Fixed an issue where the final moment with the Ritemaster would not animate correctly.
  • Old Wounds: The quest step to search Taranmir’s Manor will no longer fail if you enter certain locations on the 2nd floor.
  • Storming the Walls:
  • The door out of Castire’s cell will now work on the first try.
  • Pandermalion no longer follows players who jump to locations outside Sea Keep.
  • The Crystal Tower:
  • Fixed an issue that kept Tundilwen from using one of her combat abilities.
  • You will no longer see two Dawnbreakers appear if some group members arrive late during the associated quest step.
  • Fixed an issue if you relogged during the last fight, your quest progression could become blocked.
  • Dawnbreaker will now remain in your quest inventory until the battle is complete.
  • Iron Atronachs will no longer become molten again if you encounter them after they've died and cooled.
  • The Dreaming Cave: Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent Valsirenn from appearing when trying to escape the Spiral Skein.
  • The Ebon Sanctum: Fixed an issue where group members were unable to go back and advance skipped quest steps in Ebon Stadmont.
  • The Forest Vandal: Using the Strangler Poison can now be shared with other group members.
  • The Psijic’s Calling: Fixed an issue that caused Psijic Sight to flash intermittently when used in first-person view.
  • The Queen’s Decree:
  • The skafin in the Undercroft will no longer follow you through closed doors.
  • The monks in upper section of the monastery will now defend themselves if attacked.
  • The Resolute Sentinels:
  • You can no longer interact with the podiums in the Academy Study through the wall of the adjacent room.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing you from using a door to the College of Sapiarchs when on the quest step “Talk to Valsirenn/Earl Leythen”.
  • The Shattered Staff: The Motes of Light will now reappear if your character dies while tracking them.
  • Improving the Werewolf gameplay and quality of life: Several abilities received significant adjustments, leveling the skill line is considerably easier, and Werewolves are now capable of doing more core combat actions such as resurrecting or using synergies.
  • Reducing the duration of snare and defile effects: Abilities and Item Sets that apply snares or defile debuffs on enemies have had their durations significantly reduced. Since most of the changes were made to damage over time abilities, you will have to recast those abilities earlier to keep an enemy permanently snared, which sacrifices some damage. Most area of effect snaring abilities were untouched, though, since the counterplay is just to move out of the area of effect.
  • Increasing the viability of some older Item Sets: A few Item Sets have received some dramatic redesigns, while others were simply buffed to improve their usage. Increased the Movement Speed of all Monsters summoned from your abilities and Item Sets by 25%.
  • A visual effect will now appear over your character’s head when using Detection Potions, Magelight, or Expert Hunter to notify other players of your ability to see sneaking/invisible enemies.
  • Decreased the range of Two Handed, Dual Wield, One Hand and Shield, Unarmed, and Werewolf Heavy Attacks to 7 meters from 10 meters.
  • Fixed an issue where casting certain self-targeted abilities, such as Spike Armor, Dark Exchange, or Imbue Weapon, would remove you from Sneak.
  • Ardent Flame: World in Ruin: This ability now also increases the damage over time component of Fiery Breath and its morphs.
  • Warmth:
  • Ardent Flame: This ability now only snares targets when you deal direct damage with an Ardent Flame ability (was any type of damage).
  • Decreased the duration of the snare to 3 seconds for all ranks (previously 2/4 seconds).
  • Reflective Scale: Reflective Plate (morph): This ability now also grants 2 seconds of immunity to snare and immobilization effects.
  • Assassination Death Stroke
  • Incapacitating Strike (morph): This ability now only stuns your enemy if your current health percentage is lower than the target’s.
  • Grim Focus
  • Merciless Resolve (morph): Removed the snare from this ability.
  • Shadow
  • Aspect of Terror: Decreased the duration of the snare from this ability and its morphs to 2 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Shadow Cloak
  • Dark Cloak (morph): Fixed an issue where casting this ability was removing you from sneak.
  • Siphoning
  • Cripple: Decreased the duration of the snare and the Major Expedition buff from this ability and its morphs to 4 seconds from 8 seconds.
  • Dark Magic
  • Rune Prison
  • Rune Cage (morph): Decreased the damage done from this ability by approximately 20%.
  • Storm Calling
  • Mages’ Fury: Fixed an issue where dodging this ability and its morphs would still apply the execute explosion debuff to you. Overload: Fixed an issue where the Heavy Attack from this ability and its morphs could not proc Weapon Enchantments or Poisons.
  • Dawn’s Wrath
  • Radiant Destruction: Increased the maximum bonus execute damage dealt by this ability and its morph to 400% from 330%.
  • Solar Flare
  • Dark Flare (morph): Decreased the duration of the Major Defile debuff to 4 seconds from 6 seconds.
  • Solar Barrage (morph): Removed the cast time from this ability, and decreased the damage done by approximately 40%.
  • Sun Fire: Decreased the duration of the snare from this ability and its morphs to 3 seconds from 5/9 seconds.
  • Restoring Light
  • Healing Ritual
  • Ritual of Rebirth (morph): Fixed an issue where you could dodge the secondary heal from this ability.
  • Rune Focus:
  • This ability and its morphs now apply Major Ward, Major Resolve, and all morph effects to you directly for 15 seconds. Standing within the area of effect now increases the Major Ward and Major Resolve effects by 50%.
  • Increased the cost of this ability and Restoring Focus to 2700 Magicka from 1890.
  • Channeled Focus (morph): Increased the cost of this ability to 1891 Magicka from 1080.
  • Animal Companions
  • Cliff Racer
  • Screaming Cliff Racer (morph): Fixed an issue where casting this ability would not orient your character to face the target.
  • Green Balance
  • Lotus Flower: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs did not work with the Light and Heavy Attacks from the Mend Wounds ability.
  • Winter’s Embrace
  • Arctic Wind: Increased the initial heal from this ability and its morphs to 15% of your Max Health from 12%.
  • One Hand and Shield
  • Power Bash
  • Reverberating Bash (morph): Decreased the duration of the Major Defile debuff to 4 seconds from 10 seconds.
  • Dual Wield
  • Lacerate: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs could sometimes heal you based on damage dealt from other abilities happening at the same time.
  • Twin Slashes
  • Rending Slashes (morph): Decreased the duration of the snare to 4 seconds from 9 seconds.
  • Bow
  • Arrow Spray: Decreased the duration of the snare applied from this ability and its morphs to 4 seconds from 6 seconds.
  • Scatter Shot: Fixed an issue where using Roll Dodge immediately after casting this ability or its morphs would prevent the enemy from gaining crowd control immunity after you knocked them back.
  • Snipe
  • Lethal Arrow (morph): Decreased the duration of the Major Defile debuff applied to 4 seconds from 10 seconds.
  • Vampire
  • Curing Vampirism will now refund all Skill Points that are invested in the Skill Line.
  • Drain Essence: Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs would fail to cast if you used it against a crowd-control immune enemy while you were blocking.
  • Werewolf Transformation:
  • You can now resurrect other players while transformed.
  • You can now use synergy abilities while transformed. You will use a unique Werewolf-themed animation instead of the synergy’s usual animation.
  • You can now use Siege Weapons while transformed.
  • Your Werewolf timer will no longer tick down while you are reviving in place while transformed.
  • Updated the tooltip of this ability and its morphs to better describe all the additional effects of transforming.
  • This ability and its morphs no longer increase your Movement Speed or your Spell and Physical Resistance as a baseline effect. These bonuses have been moved to passive abilities in the skill line.
  • Pack Leader (morph):
  • The direwolves now scale with the bonuses from damage done.
  • The direwolves now randomly alternate between 2 direct damage abilities, previously 4, and they no longer use a non-damaging snare ability.
  • Fixed an issue where the direwolves would throttle their attacks against the same target. They now attack much more rapidly.
  • Fixed an issue where the direwolves would not respawn with you whenever you respawned.
  • Blood Rage: This ability now increases the timer of your Werewolf Transformation when you deal damage, rather than when you take damage. It adds 2/4 seconds to your timer with a 5 second cooldown.
  • Devour:
  • This is now the first passive you unlock in the skill line, and is a free passive that does not require you to spend a skill point. Points already spent into this will be automatically refunded.
  • The devour corpse ability is now a 4-second channel, instead of a 4-second cast time. Every second you spend devouring a corpse increases your Werewolf timer and restores Health. Each corpse can be devoured for up to 4 seconds.
  • Updated the visual effects on enemy corpses that can be devoured.
  • Improved the targeting and reliability for devouring corpses.
  • Hircine’s Bounty: This ability and its morphs now heal based on your Max Health; Hircine’s Bounty and Hircine’s Rage heal for 45% of your Max Health, while Hircine’s Fortitude heal for 60% of your Max Health.
  • Hircine’s Rage (morph): This morph now grants Major Brutality for 20 seconds.
  • Infectious Claws: Updated the visual effects for this ability and its morphs.
  • Piercing Howl:
  • This ability and its morphs no longer stun the target.
  • Decreased the cost of this ability and its morphs to 3510 Stamina from 4050.
  • Updated the visual effects for this ability and its morphs.
  • Howl of Despair (morph): The synergy now grants the ally Empower for all Light Attacks for 5 seconds. Previously, it granted 10% more Light and Heavy Attack damage for 15 seconds.
  • Pounce: This ability and its morphs no longer stun the target if they were already set Off Balance.
  • Pursuit: This ability now also increases your Movement Speed by 15/30%.
  • Note: This bonus was moved from a baseline effect of Werewolf Transformation to this passive.
  • Roar:
  • This ability and its morphs are now instant-cast, previously 1 second.
  • This ability and its morphs can now fear up to 6 targets, previously 3 targets..
  • This ability and the Rousing Roar morph no longer set enemies Off Balance.
  • Ferocious Roar (morph): This morph now sets feared targets Off Balance.
  • Rousing Roar (morph): This morph has been renamed to Deafening Roar, and now applies Major Fracture for 10 seconds to feared targets.
  • Savage Strength: This ability now also increases your Spell and Physical Resistance by 5000/10000.
  • Note: This bonus was moved from a baseline effect of Werewolf Transformation to this passive.
  • All Werewolf abilities now require less experience to morph. The experience requirements to level up the Werewolf abilities now match the Weapon Skill Line abilities, and the Werewolf Transformation Ultimate experience requirement now matches Class Ultimate abilities.
  • Curing Lycanthropy will now refund all Skill Points that are invested in the Skill Line.
  • Fixed an issue where casting another ability while in the middle of a Werewolf Heavy Attack would cancel the Heavy Attack, instead of queuing the ability to cast when the Heavy Attack completed.
  • Fighters Guild
  • Silver Bolts: Decreased the duration of the snare to 4 seconds from 6 seconds.
  • Silver Leash (morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was not counting as a Fighter’s Guild ability for the Slayer passive.
  • Psijic Order
  • Imbue Weapon
  • Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were removing you from sneak when cast.
  • Fixed an issue where this ability and its morphs were not playing their visual effects or audio if you were unarmed.
  • Crushing Weapon (morph): Fixed an issue where this would heal based on the damage done from the Light Attack, and not the damage done by Crushing Weapon itself.
  • Mend Wounds: Weapon swapping to an ability bar that does not have this ability or its morphs slotted will now toggle the ability off.
  • Undaunted
  • Trapping Webs
  • Shadow Silk (morph): Fixed an issue where the black widow spiders were using a poison damage over time effect that was being mitigated by the target’s Spell Resistance, instead of their Physical Resistance.
  • Champion System
  • The Atronach
  • Tactician: Fixed an issue where this passive was setting enemies Off Balance when you dodged their attack with dodge bonuses such as Major/Minor Evasion, instead of only from Roll Dodge.
  • The Lady
  • Unchained: Fixed an issue where this passive was not functioning when you used Break Free while transformed into a Werewolf.
  • Crest of Cyrodiil: This item set has been redesigned, and its old effect has been moved to the Ward of Cyrodiil Item Set.
  • Defending Warrior: Fixed an issue where this item set could sometimes heal you based on damage dealt from other abilities happening at the same time.
  • Domihaus: Updated the telegraph visuals displayed to enemy players.
  • Durok’s Bane: Decreased the duration of the Major Defile debuff to 4 seconds from 10 seconds.
  • Elf Bane: Fixed an issue where this item set was not increasing the duration of the damage over time from the Grothdarr Item Set.
  • Hagraven’s Garden: Updated the telegraph visuals displayed to enemy players.
  • Hatchling’s Shell: This item set has been redesigned.
  • Hide of Morihaus: Fixed an issue where the damage from this item set could critically strike.
  • Jorvuld’s Guidance: Fixed an issue where this item set was not increasing the duration of the Minor Expedition buff granted by the Hasty Prayer ability.
  • Light of Cyrodiil: The 5-piece bonus has gained an additional effect.
  • Robes of the Hist: Altered the the 5-piece bonus from this item set.
  • Sload’s Semblance:
  • Removed the first damage over time tick.
  • The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
  • Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
  • Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.
  • Swamp Raider: Redesigned the 5-piece bonus from this item set.
  • Tremorscale: Decreased the duration of the snare to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.
  • Ward of Cyrodiil: Redesigned this item set.
  • Witchman Armor: Fixed an issue where the resource restore from this item set would not work if the Ultimate ability you cast did not hit the target.
  • Zaan: Decreased the range required to break the fiery tether to 8 meters from 10 meters.
  • Infused (Weapon): Fixed an issue where the cooldown reduction was applying to both of your Weapon Enchantments if you were dual wielding.
  • Players who queue for Cyrodiil while grouped will now independently enter Cyrodiil on their own individual queue timers.
  • Delve bosses in Cyrodiil now spawn like other Delves in Tamriel. Happy hunting!
  • Updated the Alchemy satchels acquired from Conquest boards or from Imperial City Tel Var purchases to include new Alchemy materials introduced in Summerset.
  • Healing Medals in Team Deathmatch now contribute more scoring value towards the end of game scoreboard, as well as weekly Leaderboards.
  • You can no longer cast Undo to get into starter locations.
  • Fixed an issue where a few items in Cyrodiil would be considered “stolen” when picked up. In the lawless land of Cyrodiil, this is preposterous – and thus, these items are now no longer considered “stolen”.
  • Keeps now have 2 levels per resource material instead of 5.
  • Resources now have 1 level for Defensive upgrades and 1 level for Production upgrades.
  • Resources will now go from level 0 to 1 in about 10 minutes.
  • A Keep will now gain its levels slower from a level 0 resource, but much faster from a level 1 resource.
  • Prior upgrades which were spread out across 5 levels have been compressed into 2 levels for Keeps and 1 level for Resources, but the overall strength of each upgrade at maximum level remains the same.
  • Keeps once again have Degrade turned back on. However, the degrade rate is much faster; a Keep can lose a resource level in about 5 minutes instead of an hour.
  • Drakelowe, Dragonclaw and Brindle now offer an 8% AP bonus per Keep held.
  • Keep bonuses now give increases to AP, XP, Gold, Spell Crit and Weapon Crit for every level of ownership, instead of every other bonus.
  • The siege masters of Vivec and Shor have learned from their counterparts in Sotha Sil, and all siege weapons will be more effective against players in Champion enabled Campaigns
  • Players transformed into werewolves will now animate properly when interacting with objects in Battlegrounds.
  • The Pelinal's Ferocity buff will no longer display its effects every time you change zones.
  • Dawn-Prisms are now available from Battleground Supplies Merchant.
  • Updated the base-rank icons for Metalworking, Tailoring, Woodworking, and Solvent Proficiency to match the facing of subsequent ranks.
  • Fixed an issue in the French translation where, when crafting Brassards for a Crafting Writ, the incorrect quest step would progress.
  • Fixed an issue where poison visual effects would not display on weapons while you had an Outfit Style applied.
  • Now, while you’re working on your Outfits at an Outfit Station, other players will be sure to see you facing the Outfit Station, rather than staring off into space in the opposite direction, seeking inspiration for your next catwalk-ready design.
  • Corrected an issue preventing Pyandonean and Sapiarch Outfit Styles from being previewed within Outfit Stations or the Outfit Collection.
  • Fixed an issue where, while in Preview mode at an Outfit Station, your headpiece would disappear if you used the paint bucket tool on a slot that the chosen Head Style did not have.
  • Lower tiers of Blacksmith, Clothier, and Woodworking Writs now all require fewer raw materials to satisfy, bringing them in line with the topmost tiers of each. Jewelry Crafting, Enchanting, Provisioning, and Alchemy Writs have not been modified.
  • Updated the Equipment Writ Board's post-certification text to mention that it does, indeed, provide Jewelry Crafting Writs.
  • Max-ranked Crafting Writs will no longer display a superfluous Inspiration award.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in Provisioning Writs being somewhat unpredictable on what they required during the week.
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause the busts in the Crown Store preview view to load in crooked.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause walking animations to stop playing when you exit an emote preview from the Crown Store.
  • Fixed an issue where the Adorable Assassin Hair Style would have visual issues when equipped with Elder Council Tunic and Sash, City Isle Tunic Dress and Cyrod Patrician Formal Gown.
  • Assistants will now remain stationary while you are interacting with them to prevent closing the interaction when their owner moves around.
  • You can now only select one role when queueing through the Activity Finder, and it will display next to party frames.
  • Mudballs can no longer be thrown at players who are performing interactions.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in Jewelry Crafting Writ delivery boxes visually opening Blacksmithing Writ delivery boxes, and vice versa.
  • Fixed an issue where a researchable item’s tooltip would indicate it had an incorrect trait, or no trait at all.
  • Fixed an issue where Lena's Wand of Finding only worked on certain chickens. It will now be able to 'find' many other types of chickens.
  • Fixed an issue where you would occasionally get a non-Clockwork City furnishing plan when obtaining a Clockwork furnishing plan, while looting world objects in the Brass Fortress and Summerset.
  • Fixed an issue where Molag Grunda, a quest boss in Coldharbour, could drop incorrectly-leveled equipment when defeated.
  • Rare fish listed in Achievements will now indicate which type of water they can be found in.
  • Bait tooltips now indicate which water type they are best used for.
  • Fishing Nodes now display what water type they are in their name.
  • Added a new Housing Permission called "Limited Visitor". Limited Visitors cannot adjust your lights or other adjustable furnishings.
  • Fixed an issue where, if a decorator moved an Assistant in a home after another player moved that Assistant, the Assistant would refuse to interact with anyone. They are now sworn to carry the burdens of even the most indecisive decorators.
  • Employers of Tythis Andromo, Nuzimeh, and Pirharri, rejoice! Thanks to recent updates to labor laws, any Assistants placed in a home will now turn to face you when you speak to them.
  • Some of the pews in the Alinor Crest Townhouse were rotated incorrectly in the default template. They will now be properly rotated for any newly-purchased Townhouses (but existing Townhouses’ furniture placement will not be touched).
  • Fixed an issue where the closing doors of the Princely Dawnlight Estate would block the camera while in third-person mode.
  • Furnishings that count towards the Special Furnishing limit now indicate such in their Furnishing Behavior tags.
  • Fixed an issue where the “High Elf Fountain, Regal” did not actually have waterspouts.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you attempted to sit in a chair that was placed in a position that you couldn’t reach, you would sit in place when attempting to interact with it.
  • Added mount previewing to the stable master. They will display in a similar way to previewing furniture at a vendor.
  • Fixed an issue where the bounty meter would appear briefly the first time you opened a UI window.
  • Consumables will now properly display their effects in the Announcements window.
  • Fixed an issue where books would not display properly at some resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue where you could attempt to interact with objects that are in the process of being destroyed and disappearing (mainly harvest nodes right after you harvest them).
  • Additional items that can be sold to a vendor will now sort to the top of the Sell tab within a Vendor.
  • The Alliance War menu will no longer be displayed to characters below level 10.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when pasting a large amount of text in one of the available text fields when sending or receiving gifts.
  • You will now receive a notification when the countdown for unlocking Gifting has started on your account.
  • Fixed an issue where the Crown Crate UI could appear broken if left up during a teleport.
  • Fixed an issue where the mouse-over state wouldn't update appropriately in the Crown Store.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Purchased” label on market products was not positioned correctly.
  • Navigating to the Werewolf skill line will now display the Werewolf bar, even while not in Werewolf form, to make it easier to rearrange your Werewolf abilities.
  • Within the Skills menu, you can now edit both skill bars while your character is dead, or if you don’t have a weapon equipped in each bar.
  • Fixed an issue where group members would display on an instance map while in their own version of the instance (mostly noticed in Houses).
  • Added an error message when trying to weapon swap as a Werewolf or with Overload active.
  • Fixed an issue where guild member locations would not update when actively looking at the guild roster.
  • Fixed an issue in houses where you'd incorrectly receive the "Your permissions for this house have changed" alert when other players entered the house.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you spun a mount or non-combat pet in preview while placing it in a house, you would be unable to see other non-combat pets or mounts.
  • Fixed an issue where, if you were in werewolf form, you could get an “End Preview” button when selecting furnishings in the Housing Editor, even when not eligible to preview furnishings.
  • After completing a quest, the quest tracker will now try to track another quest in the same Quest Journal category as the previous quest.
  • Fixed an issue where quest rewards with large quantities would display awkwardly at certain resolutions.
  • Associated quest pins will now appear properly on the exit of Dyzera's Realm.
  • A Hostile Situation: The Merchant Chest will now properly display a quest marker above it when you are required to loot the disguise from it.
  • Objections and Obstacles: Eoki will no longer keep a quest bestowal pin over his head after you accept this quest.
  • Rise of the Dead: King Fahara'jad will no longer be missing a pin over his head when on the step to talk to him, though it will only appear after the Ash'abah completes her proclamation (which is when he becomes interactable).
Wolf Hunter Patch July 23, 2018 PTS

  • Warden
  • Green Balance - Lotus Flower: Temporarily disabled the heal from this ability and its morphs from working with Mend Wound’s Light Attack to prevent a serious bug from occurring. A fix for this issue will be included in a future patch.
  • Jewelry Crafting
  • Added Jewelry Crafting materials to some Blacksmithing resource nodes.
  • You will occasionally find a single unit of Dust on a Blacksmithing node (or two units of Dust, if the Plentiful Harvest passive triggers).
  • If the Blacksmithing node's material is based on your character level, then so is the Dust you'll find on it. If the Blacksmithing node's material is based on your Blacksmithing passive rank, then the Dust you find will be based on your Jewelry Crafting passive rank.
  • Significantly reduced the amount of Boosters needed to improve the quality of Jewelry.
  • At maximum rank of Plating Expertise, it now takes only a single piece of Terne Plating to go from white to green, two Iridium Platings to go from green to blue, three Zircon Platings to go from blue to purple, and only 4 Chromium Platings to go from purple to gold.
  • Jewelry Crafting Writs will no longer reward Terne, Iridium, or Zircon Grains. They will now only reward Chromium Grains, with the chance to obtain a Grain increasing with the rank of the Jewelry Crafting writ completed, similar to other durable trade skill writ rewards.
  • Dungeons
  • March of Sacrifices
  • Bloodscent Guardians will now join the fight when their friends do.
  • The Sea Lurcher’s Flotsam ability now correctly aligns the visual effects with its impact.
  • Tarcyr’s Rapid Frost ability now correctly does Spell Damage instead of Physical Damage.
  • Balorgh:
  • Wolves summoned during Balorgh’s Hunting Party ability will now perish when Balorgh falls.
  • Reduced the health of the Dire Wolves present in the encounter.
  • The Shades of Balorgh can no longer cast Icy Roar.
  • There is now an Active Combat Tip that displays when the Fiery Eruption cast begins.
  • VO can now be heard at the beginning of the Fiery Eruption ability.
  • VO no longer plays when Fiery Charge is cast.
  • Burning Embers no longer ticks immediately from the Fiery Remnant ability.
  • Reduced the damage dealt per tick from Fiery Remnant.
  • Moon Hunter Keep
  • Replaced the generic “This is a death recap for XXXX boss” with actual Death Recap hints.
  • The chains holding Vykosa the Ascendant’s wolves, Ary and Zel, now connect to the harness and wall correctly.
  • Vykosa’s wolves will now visibly break their chains.
  • Vykosa’s wolves can no longer enrage while cowering.
  • Shock Wardens will now only appear in the Hard Mode of the Vykosa fight.
  • Moon Hunter Strikers and Moon Hunter Cleavers will no longer keep the fight alive once Vykosa has been vanquished.
  • Achievements
  • The Achievement “Trick and Trap” now correctly states that you only need to lead Balorgh to 10 traps in order to complete it.
  • Collectibles
  • Fixed an issue where the Werewolf Behemoth Sigil Collectible was not visible in the Collections window until it was obtained. The Memento will now be visible in your Collections menu whether or not you have it, allowing you to see how to obtain it.
  • General
  • Enchantments now remember the weapon from which they were fired. This means if you fire a bow ability and weapon swap, when that bow ability deals damage, the enchantment on your bow will fire.
  • Note: This was introduced in patch 4.1.0, but wanted to include it in these patch notes to clarify the intended change.
  • Nightblade
  • Assassination - Death Stroke
  • Incapacitating Strike (morph): This ability now only stuns if you have 120 Ultimate or more. To visually show its readiness state, the icon will change to a recolored version and the animation of the cast will change.
  • Sorcerer
  • Dark Magic - Rune Prison
  • Rune Cage (morph): This ability now only deals damage if the stun lasts for its full duration.
  • Templar
  • Dawn’s Wrath - Radiant Destruction: Increased the maximum bonus execute damage dealt by this ability and its morphs to 480% from 400%.
  • Restoring Light - Rune Focus: Increased the duration of this ability and its morphs to 20 seconds from 18 seconds, and reverted the cost increase to this ability and its morphs.
  • Weapon
  • Two Handed
  • Heavy Weapons: Fixed an issue where the axe bleed would not stack when multiple players used it against the same enemy.
  • Destruction Staff
  • Impulse
  • Pulsar (morph): Fixed an issue where this ability was only applying Minor Mangle to one target.
  • Guild
  • Psijic Order
  • Mend Wounds: Reverted the change that toggled this ability and its morphs off if you weapon swapped to an action bar that did not have it slotted.
  • Item Sets
  • Sload’s Semblance: A projectile will now fire when this item set procs, which applies the damage over time effect. This projectile can be dodged.
  • Vykosa: Slightly adjusted the 5-piece bonus from this item set.
  • General
  • Adjusted several guards at Chalman Mine so they can be hit by ranged attacks.
  • Battlegrounds
  • Fixed an issue where you were still able to cast Undo to get back into starting areas.
  • Figure
  • Fixed some visual issues on the Scarecrow Spectre Mask (specifically when equipped by Argonians) and the Thicketman Spectre Mask.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ice Heart Mask and Shoulder Outfit Styles could be invisible.
  • Fixed some visual tearing that would appear on the lower part of the Militant Ordinator Homespun robe.
  • Fixed a small hole in the paw of some Senche pets and mounts.
  • Writs
  • The tutorial pop-up received upon visiting a Master Writ Mediator will now only display the first time you speak to one.
  • Fishing
  • Used Bait is now marked as Trash quality.
  • General
  • Fixed an issue that led to unusual rotations for pets, mounts, target dummies, and assistants in your home.
  • Furnishings
  • Fixed an issue that prevented various "Animal Bones" furnishings from appearing when previewed or placed.
  • The "Alinor Bookshelf, Grand Full" furnishing is now actually filled with books, as intended.
  • Homes
  • Fixed various collision issues with the Psijic Villa home so you will no longer get stuck, and filled several holes in the structure.
  • General
  • Fixed a number of commonly occurring crashes.
  • Fixed an issue that could occasionally cause buildings and walls to disappear, mainly affecting PvE areas.
  • Main Quest
  • Soul Shriven in Cold Harbour: Your quest progress will no longer become blocked if you log out during the quest step "Reach the Prophet's Cell".
  • General
  • Fixed an issue where the player-to-player radial menu could have duplicated icons in it.
  • Adjusted the alignment of the Equipment Bonus label to prevent text overlaps.
  • Added icons for Event Tickets.
  • Alliance War
  • Improved the messaging for when you can and cannot use a Keep Recall Stone.
  • Crafting
  • Fixed an issue where you could get stuck previewing furniture at a Crafting Station.
  • Crown Store
  • Fixed a UI error that could occur when buying DLC from the Crown Store.
  • Gamepad Mode
  • Fixed a UI error that could appear when enchanting gear.
  • Gameplay
  • Navigating to the Werewolf skill line will now auto-swap you to the Werewolf ability bar only if you have the Ultimate already slotted.
  • Fixed several issues related to spending skill points on Werewolf skills.
  • Help & Tutorials
  • Added a new "Events" section in the Help and Tutorials menu to provide information on various holidays and celebrations.
  • This includes the new Event Merchant, the Impresario, and Event Tickets.
  • It will also provide information on how to participate in events, and the rewards you can earn through participation.